1. O son of Kisra, Kisra of kings Anushirvan
And if I say what is this Okromah
١. يا ابن كسرى كسرى الملوك أنوشر
وانِ قل لي ما هذه الأُكرومَهْ
2. It has illuminated and shone so the traveler was guided
Through it in the darkness of oblivion
٢. قد أضاءتْ وأشرقتْ فاهْتَدى السا
ري بها في مهالكِ الديمومَهْ
3. People have enjoyed its sight and aroma
So it is a basil plant for them, perfumed
٣. راقتِ النَّاس منظراً ومَشمّاً
فهْيَ ريحانةٌ لهمْ مشمومه
4. I swear if a khulla was hung from you
With a rope, it would be a departed soul
٤. قسماً إن خُلّةً علِقَتْ مِنْ
كَ بحبل لخُلّةٌ مرحومه
5. It was wronged by hoping in you, though it was
Like a soul, so it became wronged
٥. ظُلِمَتْ بالرجاء فيك وإن كنْ
تَ كنفس فأصبحت مظلومه
6. O the finest young man who was once a gateway
To the ingratitude of non-existent virtues
٦. يا سميَّ الفتى الذي كان باباً
لِجحودِ المكارمِ المعدومه
7. How have creatures fared with you until
After their praise of you, you are now blamed
٧. كيف حالتْ بك الخلائقُ حتَّى
أصبحتْ بعد حمدِها مَذْمومه
8. How have those glories disappeared so that after
You built them, they are now destroyed
٨. كيف زالت تلك المعالي فأضحتْ
بعدَما قد بنَيْتَها مهدومَهْ
9. How has that sweetness passed so that after
Its fragrance, it has now become poisoned
٩. كيف مرَّتْ تلك المذاقةُ حتَّى
أصبحت بعد طِيبها مسمومه
10. By my life, you have erased from me a face
That you used to establish its features
١٠. قد لعمري طمستَ مِنِّيَ وجْهاً
كنتَ فيما مضى تُقيمُ رُسومه
11. You have become pieces of darkness for a horizon
After you were its full moon and stars
١١. صرتَ قِطعاً من الظَّلامِ لأفْقٍ
بعدما كنت بدْرَه ونُجومه
12. Your hands have saddled me with rags
Contrary to composed pearls
١٢. قلَّدَتْني يداك سِمْطاً من العا
ر خلافَ اللآلئ المنظومه
13. And you are the partner in that so know
It is unforeseen and unimagined
١٣. ولأنت الشريكُ في ذاك فاعْلمْ
غيرَ مظْنونةٍ ولا مَوْهومه
14. You have only placed me in your position
So understand clearly what is inferred
١٤. لم تَضَعْنِي إلا بِوَضْعك من نف
سِك فافهم جليَّةً مفهومه
15. Blame has befallen you, not me, but the soul
That enticed you with the eye of blame
١٥. بكَ حلَّ الملامُ لا بي بل النَّفْ
سُ التي أمَّلتكَ عين الملومه
16. Words that denounce your deed, no, and do not denounce virtues
You have wronged, you have wronged, what thing of yours
١٦. كلماتٌ تَذُمُّ فعلك لا أص
لك كلا ولا تذمُّ الأَرُومه
17. Have my fingers become clasped over
My soul yearns for justice and wisdom both now blamed
١٧. سَوْأتَى سوأتَى على أيِّ شيءٍ
منك أضحتْ أناملي مضمومه
18. How did they not dissuade you from the act of disgrace
Whose consequences are ill-omened
١٨. لهفَ نَفْسِي على الدماثةِ والحك
مةِ كلتاهما مذْمومه
19. Is it worth fifty pounds of rubble, O you unjust in governance
And it is a small part of what you have promised, drowned
١٩. كيف لم يردعاكَ عن فعلِ شَنْعا
ءَ قبيح رَواؤها مشؤومه
20. In your allotted prayers
Stay silent over what I see from you, for I have
٢٠. أبقدْري وزنتَ خَمسينَ رطلاً
من حطام يا ظالماً في الحكومه
21. No need in a gift with discord
And relieve yourself of worry and be happy with my advice
٢١. وهو جزءٌ مما وعدتَ ضئيلٌ
غَرِقٌ في صِلاتك المقسومه
22. May God relieve your anguished soul
The men are not to blame, but I with suffering
٢٢. دُم على ما أراه منك فمالي
حاجةٌ في هديّةٍ بخصومه
23. And a bent-over back worn out by loads
Or have you not realized that when my soul is mixed
٢٣. واطْرَحِ الهمَّ عنك وافرح بنصحي
فرَّجَ الله نفسك المهمومه
24. With motes it remains incorruptible?
No man prospers who counts sins
٢٤. للئامِ الرجال لا لي وجوهٌ
عانياتٌ وآنُفٌ مخزومه
25. Among the glories to be war spoils
My craving for you has been weaned, O Abu Yahya
٢٥. أَوَ لمْ تدْر أن نفسي عن الما
ء إذا شابهُ القذى معصومه
26. By God, a weaned craving
And truthfully, a soul has deprived me of even
٢٦. لا يسودُ امرؤٌ يَعُدُّ الرزايا
في المعالي مغانماً مغنومه
27. The slightest enjoyment of the deprived one
And when you have mocked me
٢٧. فُطِمتْ رغبتي إليك أبا يحْ
يى ويا رُبَّ رغْبةٍ مفْطومه
28. With contempt, then it is you who are mocked
No man slighted my worth until he placed
٢٨. ويميناً مَبْرورةً إنَّ نفساً
حَرَمَتْني الطفيفَ للمَحْرومه
29. The soul in the position of the deceased one
And I see you full of words, if I speak a saying
٢٩. ومتى ما غدتْ وقد شتَمتْنِي
باحتقارٍ فإنها المشتومه
30. For the inescapable requital foreordained
Except that I see your soldiers, if they
٣٠. ما استخفَّ امرؤٌ بقدريَ حتَّى
بوَّأ النفسَ موقفَ المرحومه
31. Waged war on us, then ours would be the defeated one
Who did evil in deeds and words turned away
٣١. وأراك المليءَ إنْ قُلْت قولاً
لمجازاةِ حتمةٍ محتومه
32. From his brother of proven disputed case
I am one whom you have known, O Abu Yahya, when
٣٢. غير أني أرى جنودَك إن طا
لت بنا حربُنا هي المهزومه
33. Wanton insults were heaped on sanctuaries
My tyranny is the tyranny of one who flaunts, not with
٣٣. من أساء الفِعال والقولَ ولَّى
عن أخيه ذا حُجَّةٍ مخصومه
34. Hidden enmity from a secret adversary
To gain victory and it clamored vehemently
٣٤. أنا مِنْ قد عرفتَهُ يا أبا يح
يى إذا استهدر الهجاءُ قُرومه
35. It has been restrained from you for what you have done and laid waste
To the days of your marked glory
٣٥. سطوتي سطوةُ المجاهر لا ذي
بَغْيةٍ من مُناوئٍ مكتومه
36. I have attained satisfaction from you even if
It remained shut to my open eyes
٣٦. هاكها حرَّةً لحرٍّ تبدت
لانتصار فجعجعتْ مزمومه
37. A discourse which if I held back would have been more appropriate
For me but a bitter time of restraint
٣٧. زمَّها عنك ما فعلتَ وما أس
دَيْتَ أيامَ مجدكَ الموسومه
38. And peace be upon you from one of separation
And farewell to a severed khulla
٣٨. بلغت بي رضايَ منك وإن كا
نتْ بعيني مفتوحةً مختومه
٣٩. خُطبةٌ لو كظمتُها كانَ أوْلى
بي ولكنْ مرةٌ مكظومه
٤٠. وعليك السلام من ذي فراقٍ
ووداعٍ لخُلَّةٍ مَصْرومه