
Our loved ones, I had no patience being away from you

أحباءنا ما كان لي عنكم صبر

1. Our loved ones, I had no patience being away from you
And what excuse can the patient have from his loved ones?

١. أحباءَنا ما كان لي عنكُمُ صبرُ
وهل لِصبورٍ عن أحبَّتِه عذرُ

2. I wish I knew how you all were
And how was she whose face the full moon rises from

٢. فيا ليتَ شِعري عنكُمُ كيف كنتُمُ
وكيف التي من وجهها يطلعُ البدر

3. And whose perfume is musk and whose glances are magic
And whose smile is pearls and whose complexion is wine

٣. ومَن نشرها مِسْكٌ وألحاظها سحرُ
ومَبسِمُها درٌّ وريقتها خمر

4. She claimed she would stay as we knew her
Though my absence grew long and her life grew longer

٤. وقد زَعَمتْ ألّا تزالَ كعهِدنا
وإن طال بي غَيْب وطال بها العُمْر

5. And yet I fear, as time is ever changing
That one day betrayal may make her heart turn

٥. وإني لأخشى والزمانُ مُغيِّرٌ
على النأْي يوماً أن يميل بها الغدر

6. How can a longing soul contain in his body
His insistence to stay and his will to leave

٦. وكيف بمُشتاقٍ تضمَن جسمَه
على شوقِه مِصرٌ ومُهجَتَه مِصْر

7. He stood to fight the black hordes in a foreign land
Whose affairs were killing and capture

٧. أقام لحرب الزَنج في دار غربة
حوادثُها في أهلها القتل والأسر

8. Beneath him horror and around him ruin
Above him a sword and beneath him the sea

٨. ومن دونه هولٌ ومن تحته ردىً
ومن فوقه سيفٌ ومن تحته بحر

9. When he saw a flash of lightning in the direction of his land
He was troubled by the grief he had contained with patience

٩. إذا شام برقاً لاح من نحو أرضه
تَضايقَ عما ضَمَّ من وَجدِه الصبر

10. And shed blood after the tears had soaked his mantle
When he was alone his heavy eyelids wept

١٠. وبَلَّتْ دماً مِنْ بعد دمع رداءه
لدى خلوات منه أجفانُه الغُزر

11. And if he tried to rise above the battlefield
The chains and the bridge held back his endeavor

١١. وإن رام من حَدِّ البطيحة مَطلعاً
ثَنَتْ شأوَهُ عنه المواصير والجِسر

12. It is sorrow enough that the sheltered is exiled
And the noble among loved ones is the one abandoned

١٢. كفى حزناً أن المُقِلَّ مُشَرَّدٌ
وذو الخفض في أحبابه مَن له وَفر

13. If my wealth cannot support my ambition
With generosity even if ease later follows hardship

١٣. إذا كان مالي لا يقوم بهمَّتي
سماحاً وإن أوفَى على عُسرتي اليُسر

14. Why then my striving to seek riches?
For the generous, wealth itself is of no worth

١٤. ففيمَ اجتهادي في محاولة الغنى
وما للغنى عند الجواد به قَدْر

15. He who is miserly wins by gathering money
While for me there is only thanks and gratitude

١٥. يفوز بجمع المال من كان باخلاً
وما ليَ إلا الحمدُ من ذاك والشكر

16. I am but a guardian of glory and sublimity
That is my treasure, not pearls or ruins

١٦. وما أنا إلا محرزُ المجد والعلا
وذلك كَنزي لا اللُجَيْنُ ولا التبر

17. If God destines my return, then it is binding upon me
That I never separate from you all again

١٧. فإن يقض لي اللَهُ الرجوعَ فإنه
علَيَّ له أن لا أفارقَكُمْ نذر

18. I seek no distance nor division from you
Only time itself could divide us

١٨. ولا أبتغي عنكم شُخوصاً وفُرقةً
يَدَ الدهر إلا أن يُفرِّقَنا الدهر

19. Life is nothing but closeness to those you know well
And death but the separation and loss

١٩. فما العيش إلا قربُ من أنت آلِفٌ
وما الموتُ إلا نأيُهُ عنكَ والهجر