
I see Khaled throwing my qualities to enmity

أرى خالدا يرمي صفاتي عداوة

1. I see Khaled throwing my qualities to enmity
And defaming my honor, conversing in gatherings

١. أرى خالداً يرمي صَفاتي عَداوةً
ويشتِمُ عرضي سادراً في المجالس

2. If he were really from Qahtan as he claimed
It would not befit him to forget the favors of Faris

٢. ولو كان من قحطانَ حقاً كما ادعى
لمَا جازَ أن يَنْسى أياديَ فارس

3. O Khaled, why did you contradict your origin in error
When you were an elderly, learned scholar of standards

٣. أخالد لِمْ ناقضتَ أصلَكَ ضَلَّةً
وقد كنتَ شيخاً عالماً بالمقايس

4. Do you aspire to be from Qahtan, then insult me?
You have strayed the path of pretentious fabricators

٤. أتَنمى إلى قطحان ثم تسبني
ضَلَلْتَ سبيل الأدعياء الأكايس

5. You defamed al-Musayyib who gave water to Qahtan after
They received one of the swords from my father Yaksoum

٥. هجوتَ المُسيغي الماءَ قحطانَ بعدما
لقوا من أبي يَكْسوم إحدى الدهارس

6. If you had sound advice to correct a claim
You would have wept for their echoes in the groves

٦. ولو كنتَ ذا طبٍّ بتصحيح دعوةٍ
بكيتَ على أصدائهم في النَواوس