
I nurture your losses, I will avenge you

أمكوك الخسار سأنتحيكا

1. I nurture your losses, I will avenge you
With one of the destitute, yet I will not punish you

١. أمكُّوكَ الخسار سأنتحيكا
بإحدى الفاقرات ولا أقيكا

2. Do you command being disgusted with my words
While the mention of you rusts refined gold

٢. أتأمُرُ بالتقزُّزِ من كلامي
وذكرك يُصْدِئ الذهبَ السبيكا

3. You claimed I was ominous, but I
Answer you openly, I do not fear you

٣. زعَمْتَ بأنني نَحْسٌ وإني
مُجيبُك مُعْلِناً لا أتقيكا

4. Moses imagined going after beauty
With his two crippled legs in order to copulate

٤. توهَّم زَحْفَ موسى نحو حُسْنٍ
على مَنْقوصتيه لكي ينيكا

5. She surrendered to his obedience so she became
His hen, and there was a rooster

٥. وقد دانتْ لطاعته فكانت
دجاجتَه وكان هناك ديكا

6. So he split her nose because of the stench in it
Just as you split us because of the stench in you

٦. فأنشقَ أنفها من نَتْن فيه
كما أنشقْتَنا من نَتْن فيكا

7. And he rubbed himself on her, a sick mating
Like the mating of an enslaved one who does not desire you

٧. وماطلَ فوقها نَزْواً مريضاً
كنزوِ مُسَخَّرٍ لا يَشْتَهيكا

8. Yet you can be patient and enduring
Like the patience of your enslaved ones

٨. فإنك واجدٌ ثم احتمالاً
وصبراً مثل صبرِ مُسَخّريكا

9. She was patient with filth and ugliness
She was not happy, she did not please the king

٩. لقد صبرتْ على قذرٍ وقُبْح
ولم تَسْعَدْ ولم تُرْضِ المليكا

10. So why are you disgusted with my words
When your mother was not disgusted by your father

١٠. فما هذا التقزُّز من كلامي
وأُمّكَ لم تُقَزَّزْ من أبيكا

11. Nor by her bearing you from him
While the most despised wombs have borne you

١١. ولا مِنْ حَمْلها إياك منْه
وقد حمل الخنا بطنٌ يعيكا

12. I swear by her who was afflicted by Moses
He made her your partner in you

١٢. حلفْتُ على التي بُلِيتْ بمُوسى
لقدْ جعلَتْ له فيكُم شريكا

13. A lame cripple who spurns the female
No way! And your invalid claims

١٣. أقِرْدٌ مُقعَدٌ وتَعِفُّ أنثى
له كلا وإفكِ مُعَلّليكا

14. I fear you are a mongrel's offspring
And I fear the like of that upon your sons

١٤. أحاذِرُ أن تكون سليلَ شتَّى
وأحذَرُ مثلَ ذاك على بنيكا

15. I am astonished but not astonished by the misguidance
That appeared to people from you and your folk

١٥. عجِبْتُ ولا تعجُّبَ من ضلالٍ
بدا للناسِ منك ومن ذَويكا

16. And the multitude of your progeny, it has shown us
Your downfall, the fewness of your competitors

١٦. وكثرةِ ناسليكَ لقد أرانا
سُقوطَك قِلةُ المُتنازِعيكا

17. I saw you as an agitated flock from Eve's daughters
And there is no one among them claiming you

١٧. رأيْتُك من بني حواءَ طُرا
وما في دهمهم مَنْ يدّعيكا

18. It is not that I exonerate you from Moses
For I see Moses multiplying those who annoy you

١٨. وما أنْفيك عن موسى لأني
أرى موسى يُكثّر غائظيكا

19. But his partners in you are many
Even if you appear distinct among them

١٩. ولكنْ جَمَّ فيك مُشاركُوهُ
وإن أصبحْتَ بينهُمُ تَريكا

20. They have cast you away from a deep pit
And destined upon you the mechanics of those who disavow each other

٢٠. رمْوا بك عن حِرٍ عَمِقٍ وآلُوا
عليك أليَّةَ المُتناكريكا

21. So do not make claims other than Moses'
For the most generous are not accepting you

٢١. فلا تعرضْ لدعوى غيرِ مُوسى
فلَيْسَ الأكرمُونَ بقابليكا

22. It is upon you, it is upon you O Moses, so impersonate him
For people will not defend you

٢٢. عليك عليك موسى فانتحلْهُ
فإن الناسَ غيرُ مُدافعيكا

23. It is the time which has come and gone
With God diminishing your adversaries

٢٣. هو الزمنُ الذي أضحى وأمسى
أقلَّ اللَّه فيه مُنافسيكا

24. Your lame mad father has lowered upon you
Disgrace and feeble mind

٢٤. أبوكَ المُقعَدُ المعتوهُ أدنى
إليك اللُّؤمَ والعقلَ الركيكا

25. I saw your brother asking you for sustenance
And you made those who reproach him numerous against him

٢٥. رأيتُ أخاك يطلب منك قوتاً
وقد كثَّرْت فيه مؤنّبيكا

26. You did not allow him bare subsistence
Nor interceded for him with your kin

٢٦. فلم تسمحْ له بكَفافِ وجْهٍ
ولا شفَّعْتَ فيه أقْربيكا

27. And you exposed the wicked woman's frivolity to me
So I restrained the wickedness surrounding her thick body

٢٧. وعرّضتَ الخبيثة لي سفاهاً
فعِفْتُ خبيثها حَولاً دكيكا

28. When the eloquent word was disliked
She undertook it, undertaking what suits you

٢٨. فلمَّا استُكْره الكلِمُ المُقفَّى
تجشَّمها تجشمَ نائكيكا

29. What ugliness the day you are resurrected O son of Moses
Preceding your face an ugliness very soon

٢٩. فقُبحاً يوم تُبعثُ يا ابن موسى
لوِجهِكَ مُرْدِفاً قُبحاً وشيكا

30. Do you allow your mother to be used by rhymes
Yet you are miserly to provide subsistence to your brother?

٣٠. أتَسْمَح باستِ أمِّك للقوافي
وتبخَلُ بالكفاف على أخيكا

31. You have become allied to money through religion
You have made its ransom a barrier stopping you

٣١. غدوْتَ مُحالفاً مالاً بديناً
جعلتَ فداءَهُ حسباً نهيكا

32. Does your misery make you laugh at me O son of Moses?
So you can gain the gloating of your enviers through me

٣٢. أتاحكَ لي شقاؤُك يا ابن موسى
لتكسِبَ بي شماتَةَ حاسديكا

33. And I did not know you seek me insistently
But I thought you were avoiding me

٣٣. ولم أعلَمْك تطلُبُني بذَحْلٍ
ولكني إخالُك مستنيكا

34. If I had a thousand camels
And died you would not find a single hoof from me

٣٤. ولو أنّي نزوْت بألفِ أيْرٍ
ومِتَّ لما وجدْتَ لديَّ تيكا

35. There is no refuge for me in relying on you from any illness
But the sincere one takes refuge

٣٥. وما بي في احتمائك من سقامٍ
ولكنّ المُصحِّح يحتميكا

36. Is there anyone telling you unperceived
By people you are deluded, confused?

٣٦. وهل مِن قائلٍ لك لا يراه
سراةُ الناس مغْبوناً هتيكا

37. Do you adopt feeling disgusted O son of goodness
While the tribe's cupper rides you?

٣٧. أتنتحِلُ التقزُّزَ يا ابن حُسْنٍ
وحَجَّامُ القبيلةِ يمْتَطيكا

38. You do not cease being suckled, spewing semen
For a slave you buy who buys you

٣٨. وما تنفكُّ مُرتضعاً مَنِيّاً
لعبدٍ تشتريه فيَشْتريكا

39. The free man to you was an evil slave
And the evil slave was a lord who copulates you

٣٩. وكان الحُرُّ عندك عبدَ سَوْءٍ
وعبدُ السُّوءِ ربّاً يَسْتَنيكا

40. You are pretentious if you meet the high class
And you descend to the slaves so you climb them

٤٠. تشامخُ إنْ لقيتَ ذوي المعالي
وتَسْفُلُ للعبيد فتعتليكا

41. Show a camel in your eye from you some thought
And seek compensation and be on your guard

٤١. أعِرْ شَتَراً بعيْنك منك فِكْراً
وطالبْ بالجنايةِ واتريكا

42. A she camel has stabbed you while you are water
And neglect of your claimant has lasted for you

٤٢. أيورٌ طاعنتْك وأنت ماء
وطالتْ عنك غفلةُ مُدَّعيكا

43. O camel, to stinking sodomy
To filth, your perversion tends!

٤٣. أيا شتراً على بخرٍ أليمٍ
إلى قذرٍ توقَّ مُهاتريكا

44. You have eaten poison the day you ate my flesh
So do not be fooled by the words of those congratulating you

٤٤. أكلْتَ السمَّ يوم أكلتَ لحمي
فلا يغررْك قولُ مهنِّئيكا

45. You will eat from your rectum an affliction
Just as your sheikhs ate the jellied broth

٤٥. ستأكلُ من فريك الشَّتْم صدراً
كما أكلت مشايخُك الفريكا

46. And I will follow up the trampled one into vacancy
And the like of that your supporters will follow

٤٦. وأُعقبك المدُوس على فراغ
وأعقب مثلَ ذاك مُؤازريكا

47. So patience - you will suffer lampooning
For lampooning will suffer you

٤٧. فصبراً للهجاء ستَجتَويه
على أنَّ الهجاءَ سَيَجْتَوِيكا

48. Rather, it is incumbent upon me to turn away from you
Even if I have shown some estrangement towards you

٤٨. بل الإعراضُ عنك عليَّ فرضٌ
وإن قدمْتُ بعض الهُجر فيكا

49. I have wronged you O son of Moses in lampooning you
And your right is for me to multiply those praising you

٤٩. ظلمتُكَ إذ هَجَوْتُكَ يا ابن موسى
وحقُّك أن أكثّر مادحيكا

50. For you have attained from me being singled out
Through that all those who do not single you out

٥٠. لأنك نِلْت مني فاجتباني
بذاك جميعُ من لا يجتبيكا

51. And those who do not single you out, people see you as an agitation
And weakness - that is from those who do not approve of you

٥١. ومَن لا يجتبيك الناسُ طرّاً
وضِعفا ذاك من لا يَرتضيكا

52. But that is not through praising you, but
Through praising the One who diminishes those who criticize you

٥٢. ولكنْ لا بحمدِك ذاك لكن
بحمدِ مُكثّر المتنقّصيكا

53. Your scarcity and your passion is disgrace
And people's religion is praise of those dispraising you

٥٣. قِلاك براءةٌ وهَواك عُرٌّ
ودينُ الناس حمدُ مُذمّميكا

54. So separate me by discarding me in my dispraise
For my gratitude is above the gratitude of the grateful

٥٤. فصِلْني بابتراكك في انتقاصي
فشُكري فوق شكرِ الشاكريكا

55. And you my brother, I regard for nights
When wars break out and I am shaken

٥٥. وأنت أخي أعِدُّك للَّيالي
إذا عرتِ الخطُوب وأرتَجيكا

56. And my camels are exposed, and my wealth stands
When the killer rules so I am stripped

٥٦. وتُعرم غُلْمتي ويقوم أيري
إذا عز السّفاح فأعتريكا

57. So your family will bestow on me bestowal of generosity
When his wife copulates and copulates

٥٧. فتمنحني عيالك منحَ سَمْحٍ
إذا نيكتْ حليلتُه ونيكا

58. Befriend me through that and seek me out
Even if I am a man who does not seek you out

٥٨. تألَّفني بذاك وتبتغيني
وإنْ كنتُ امرأً لا أبتغيكا

59. Except that I drain the head of your wealth
And you wish I were among those copulating you

٥٩. سوى أني أُمِصُّك رأس أيري
وودُّك أنَّني من ناكحيكا

60. And how much I have said when suspicion arises
The words of one hopeful from those hopeful of you

٦٠. وكم قد قلت حين يُريب رَيْبٌ
مقالة آمِلٍ من آمليكا

61. I matched our companion Hasan ibn Moses
You have risen, so there is no marriage proposal reaching you

٦١. أقرْنَ صديقنا الحسن بن موسى
علوْتَ فليس خطْبٌ يرتقيكا

62. I saw you as a fortress for one who frequents fortresses
So blessed are those attaining you and dwelling with you

٦٢. رأيتُك حِصْن من يرتادُ حِصناً
فطوبى نائليك ونازليكا