
O father of Abbas, I have

يا أبا العباس قرض

1. O father of Abbas, I have
For some time now a debt with you

١. يا أبا العباسِ قرضٌ
ليَ مُذْ حينٍ لديْكا

2. And repaying a debt is a duty
O brother of glory, it is upon you

٢. وقضاءُ القرْضِ فرضٌ
يا أخا المجدِ عليكا

3. So repay me a good debt
God has empowered your hands

٣. فاقْضني ديْناً حميداً
مكَّنَ اللَّهُ يديكا

4. The opponent deserves justice
He has raised his grievance to you

٤. حُقَّ بالإنصافِ خصمٌ
رفعَ العَدْوَى إليكا