1. O Lord, whose bounty exceeds all doubts,
Whose kindness flows and wishes abound,
١. أيها السيِّدُ الذي جَلَّ عَنْ شك
رِيَ مَعْروفُه وجاز التَّمنِّي
2. Who refuses that harm taints His hands,
With generosity to the grateful that astounds.
٢. وأبى أن يَشُوبَ غُرّ أيادي
ه لدى مُعْتَفِيه جوداً بِمَنّ
3. My sustenance seems bound to earth,
As if beyond my reach it surrounds,
٣. ما لِرزْقي كأن على البِي
ضِ تَخَطِّيهِ مِن تباطيه عَنِّي
4. What debt is paid by installments of debt,
And state that tightens after ease abounds,
٤. أَيُّ دَيْن يُقْضَى بتَقْسيطِ دينا
رٍ وحالٍ تُشَدُّ من بعد وَهْن
5. Beauty led after being unleashed,
And a bride price that the palm encompasses,
٥. وجِمالٍ تُقادُ من بَعْدِ إخلا
قٍ ومُهْرٍ يَطْوي على كفِّ تِبنِ
6. Gain attained after harm has passed,
And joy that comes after sorrow astounds.
٦. وانتفاع يُنالُ من بَعْدِ ضُرٍّ
وسُرورٍ يَحِلُّ من بَعْدِ حُزْنِ
7. It differs from a measure of fine saffron,
And drink of wine that continuously abounds.
٧. وهو يخْتلُّ عن قَفيزِ دقيقٍ
وسُلافٍ مِنَ المُدامِة لَدْنِ
8. Then he would not take it as a condition,
Like the loss of a singing son astounds.
٨. ثم لا يَرْتضيه شرطاً له يَوْ
م كَسادٍ منْهُ ابنُ قَيْل المُغَنِّي
9. I am a plant for your comfort, and you the rain
That revives every branch when it surrounds.
٩. أنا غَرْسٌ لراحتيك وأنْتَ الْ
غَيْثُ يَحْيَا بِصَوْبه كلُّ غُصْنِ
10. With it, gardens flourish in every barren plain,
Fertile places from every flat and rugged ground.
١٠. وبه تكْتَسِي الرِّياضُ بقاعاً
مُونِقاتٍ مِنْ كُلِّ سَهْلٍ وحَزْن
11. So quench me with a drink, restoring my vigor,
After turning away from its irrigation that astounds.
١١. فاسقِني شَرْبةً يعودُ بها عُو
ديَ غضَّاً عن ريِّه ذا تَثَنِّي
12. And aid me in paying debts,
That have come between the taste of my sleep and eyelids.
١٢. وأَعنِّي على قضاء ديونٍ
فَرَّقَتْ بين طَعْم نَوْمي وجَفْني
13. I am thankful when gratitude overwhelms complaint,
And the thankful finds rain and folds abound.
١٣. إنَّني شاكِرٌ إذا عَنَّ بالشكْ
ر شَكورٌ وجدَّ مُطْرٍ ومُثْنِي