
I saw you resembling conscience and its preservation

رأيتك شبهت الضمير وحفظه

1. I saw you resembling conscience and its preservation
Its perceptions in the basin preserving drinking

١. رأيتك شبَّهْتَ الضمير وحفظَهُ
حَسائكَهُ بالحوض في حفظه الشَّربا

2. And you borrowed from it that its preservation would coincide
With the preservation of mouth basins, salty and sweet

٢. وقرَّضتَ منه أن يصادَف حِفْظُهُ
كحفظ حياض المورد الملحَ والعذبا

3. If only it was like a sieve that strains its bran
And did not withhold any shortcomings or loved ones

٣. ألا كان كالغربال يَنْفِي زُؤانَهُ
وما كان من قَصْرٍ ويحتبسُ الحَبَّا

4. If only it was like a pot that strains its scum
And purifies the broth of meat and sweet gravy

٤. ألا كان مثل القِدْرِ تنفي غُثاءها
وتَقْنَى عُرَاقَ اللحمِ والمرقَ العذبا