1. Would that I knew who with satire assailed me,
Who provoked me, though he be of the poets the meanest.
١. ليت شعرِي من ناكه بِهجائي
من هَجاني له من الشعراءِ
2. My excuse, O folk, who resembles of all the peoples
The son of Karra` with his cutting satire?
٢. مَنْ عَذيرِي يا قومِ من أَشْبهِ الأُمـ
ـمَة بابن الكَرّاعة القَطْعاءِ
3. He buys my satire at a price, indeed against him
My enmity is strong however high the cost.
٣. يشتري باسته هجائي لقد قا
متْ عليه عداوتي بالغلاءِ
4. His fine the like of his wound, nay more;
Such a price befits his cheapness of soul.
٤. مَهْرُه كُفْءُ عُقْرِه بل كثيرٌ
ذلك المهرُ لاسْتِه البَخراءِ