1. I acted foolishly towards Amr with the folly of an ignorant man
And I saw what was in the dream with the insight of a learned man
١. سفهتُ على عمروٍ سفاهةَ جاهلٍ
وأبصرتُ ما في الحلمِ إبصارَ عالمِ
2. So I swore I would not satirize him as long as he lived
Even if he attacked me with the greatest of wrongs
٢. فأقسمتُ لا أهجوه ما عاش بعدها
ولو نالني بالمنكراتِ العظائمِ
3. It is no virtue for a man to be given free rein
Then to attack one who has stumbled in judgement while regretting
٣. وما كرمٌ أن يُمنح المرء مِقْولاً
فيعمدُ في عاثر الرأي نادِم
4. I went early to Amr going as a warrior
And I approached Amr going as one seeking peace
٤. غدوتُ إلى عمرو غُدُوَّ محاربٍ
ورحتُ إلى عمروٍ رواحَ مُسالمِ
5. So let him not receive peace from me with aloofness
Lest I turn my war, though just, to tyranny
٥. فلا يتلقَّ السلم مني بجفوةٍ
فأعطفُ حربي عادلاً غير ظالمِ