1. Sleep fought his eyelids, so he found
No rest throughout the night till dawn's first light.
١. حاربَ أجفانَه الرقادُ فما
يسكنُ من ليلهِ إلى سكَنِ
2. My plaintive tears could not solace my woe;
I do not weep for what is lost and gone.
٢. لا تَنفُسا عبرة أجودُ بها
فلستُ أبكي بها على الدِّمنِ
3. Tears were not created without destiny;
God knows the depths of sorrow's agony.
٣. لم يُخْلق الدمعُ لامرئٍ عبثاً
اللَّهُ أدرَى بلوعةِ الحزنِ
4. Whatever good you brought into my life,
Is now a memory from days of old.
٤. أساء بي ما أتيتَ من حَسَنٍ
إليَّ فيما مضَى من الزَّمَنِ
5. After you left, there was no comfort;
Would that what was had never been at all.
٥. منعْتني بعدكَ العزاء به
يا ليتَ ما كان منك لم يَكُنِ