
Jesus imposes austerity on himself

يقتر عيسى على نفسه

1. Jesus imposes austerity on himself
Yet he is neither everlasting nor immortal

١. يُقتّر عيسى على نفسه
وليس بباقٍ ولا خالدِ

2. If he could impose more austerity
He would breathe through only one nostril

٢. فلو يستطيع لتقتيره
تَنفَّس من منخرٍ واحدِ

3. We excused him during his days of execution
Yet what is the excuse of one so miserly and ungenerous?

٣. عذرناه أيام إعدامه
فما عذرُ ذي بَخَلٍ واجِدِ

4. I would be satisfied with the dispersal of his wealth
By the hands of an heir who is no eulogizer

٤. رَضِيتُ لتفريق أمواله
يَدَي وارثٍ ليس بالحامدِ