1. With God as his supporter he rises, and his Lord
Is a support protecting him through all affairs
١. ومعتضدٍ بالله أضحى وربُّهُ
له عضدٌ يحميه دوْر الدوائِرِ
2. If a secret scheme is plotted against him by a foe
His might matches the might of those who show their powers
٢. إذا كِيد سراً كيد عنه عدوهُ
وفي بأسه كفء لبأس المجاهر
3. No scheme can succeed against one whom God aids
And whose eye penetrates the most hidden secrets
٣. وما كيد من أضحى له الله ناصراً
وعيناً على مستخفيات السرائر
4. Even if his enemies did not inform against themselves
His own senses would inform him of their inner thoughts
٤. ولو لم يخبّر عن عداهُ لخبَّرتْ
جوارحُهم عنهم بما في الضمائر
5. Worthy indeed of God's aid is the defender of His cause
Where can the defender be but the son of defenders?
٥. وحُقّ بنصر الله ناصرُ دينهِ
فأين به عن ناصر وابن ناصر
6. If enemies try to plot and deceive against him
He turns their tricks back on them, an excellent plotter
٦. إذا حاول الأعداءُ أن يمكروا به
أحال عليهم مكرهم خيرُ ماكر