
I have known the worth of men through adversity,

عرفت مقادير الرجال بنكبة

1. I have known the worth of men through adversity,
And though deemed a loss, I gained much thereby.

١. عَرفْتُ مقاديرَ الرجالِ بنكبةٍ
أفدْتُ به غُنماً وإن عُدَّ مَغرما

2. Sufficient for my life has my experience been;
After such ignorance, how great my gain!

٢. كفاني لعمري أيها الناسُ خبرتي
بكم بعدَ جهلي واغتراريَ مغنما

3. Too long within my heart I bore iniquity,
Exalting those unworthy of exaltation.

٣. ألا طال ما حمَّلتُ قلبيَ ظالماً
تكاليفَ مِنْ إعظام من ليس مُعْظما

4. But God has now relieved me, through affliction shown
My rightful path - and still His blessings rain!

٤. فقد حطّها عني الإله بمحنةٍ
أراني بها رُشْدي وما زال مُنعما