1. You came like the full moon rising to its zenith
And your status is high, ever ascending like it
١. قدمتَ قدوم البدر بيتَ سُعُودِهِ
وأمرُك عالٍ صاعدٌ كصعودِهِ
2. You donned its brightness and rose to its height
And we hope you enjoy its eternal permanence
٢. لبستَ سناه واعتليتَ اعتلاءه
ونأمل أن تحظى بمثل خلودِهِ
3. You came like a bountiful sea in its surging waves
Atop an abundant sea surging in its tides
٣. وأقبَلت بحراً زاخراً في مُدُوده
على متنِ بحرٍ زاخرٍ في مدودِهِ
4. I swear by the One who raised you in status and rank
Your generosity with goodness is manifold that of others
٤. وأُقسمُ بالمُعْلِيكَ قدراً ورتبةً
لجَودُكَ بالمعروف أضعافُ جودِهِ
5. The commendable support you provide is not from any supporter
Whose flaws altogether would taint its purity
٥. وما رفدُك المحمودُ من رفْد رافدٍ
تُعَدُّ عيوبٌ جمَّةٌ في رفُودِهِ
6. The sea’s bounties melt after freezing
While yours is a bounty melted after its solidity
٦. تذوبُ رفودُ البحر بعد جمودها
ومالَكَ رفدٌ ذاب بعد جمودِهِ
7. And when you surpass limits, you bring us benefit
While the sea, having crossed its lowest depths, brings harm
٧. وأنت متى جُزْتَ الحدود نفعتنا
وكم ضرَّ بحرٌ جاز أدنى حُدودِهِ
8. You have never ceased in all matters to demonstrate
What the wise cannot reckon, nor bounds comprehend
٨. وما زلت في كل الأمور تبزُّهُ
بما يعجز الحُسَّابَ ضبطُ عقودِهِ
9. The sea I know well recognized you
And bowed its towering waves and surge
٩. وقد عرفَ البحرُ الذي أنا عارفٌ
فطأطأ من طغْيانه ومُرُوده
10. Its back has become submissive as you rode it
For glory that will destroy time before its ruin
١٠. وأضحى ذَلولاً ظهرُه إذ ركبته
لمجدٍ يبيد الدهْرُ قبل بُيُودِهِ
11. For you the north has donned its coolness
Approaching softly cloaked in its chill
١١. ومن أجلك استكسى الشَّمَال برودَهُ
وأقبل مزفُوفاً بها في بُرُودِهِ
12. Had it not been for you, the south would have readied its weapons
And the blossoms of war would have bloomed before their season
١٢. ولولاك لاستكسى الجنوبَ سلاحَهُ
فكان ورودُ الحرب دون ورودِهِ
13. But it saw your stars shining above it
So it went gently, its pace like its calm
١٣. ولكن رأى سعدَ الكواكب فوقه
فسار وديعاً سيرُه كركُودِهِ
14. May God grant you wellness upon your arrival
Despite the resentment of your envious enemies
١٤. فهنَّأك اللّه السلامةَ قادماً
برغم مُعادِي حَظِّكم وحَسُودِهِ
15. May God honor you by vanquishing
And in every state, O son of glory and his promise
١٥. فهنَّأك اللّه الكرامةَ خافضاً
وفي كلِّ حالٍ يا ابن مجدٍ وعودِهِ
16. As for me, though able, I remained seated
None before me remained seated in their place
١٦. وبعد فإنِّي المرءُ أجديتُ قاعداً
ولم يجدِ قبلي قاعدٌ بقعودِهِ
17. That is only because the best support altogether
Sufficed me from one noble to his pact
١٧. وما ذاك إلا أنَّ أرْوَعَ ما جداً
وَفَى لي بعهدٍ من كريم عهودِهِ
18. Though his reproach changed my state
For some of my obstinacy, not his own
١٨. على أنَّ عَتْبا منه حَوَّلَ حالتي
لبعض عُنُودي لا لبعض عُنُودِهِ
19. My place in generosity was by his grace
So he changed me from its depths to its summit
١٩. وكان مَحَلِّي في النجود بفضله
فبدَّلني أغوارَهُ من نجودِهِ
20. Is there no speaker to him, kind and humble
With gentle temperament and majestic resolve
٢٠. فهل قائل عني له متوسّلٌ
بلين سجاياه ومجد جُدُودِهِ
21. Your servant has the right to self-respect, it being necessary
That the best tents refused the blemish of ingratitude
٢١. لعبدك حقٌّ بالتَّحَرُّم واجبٌ
أبى لك طيبُ الخِيم لؤمَ جحودِهِ
22. On his neck is a collar of your blessings, adhered
His Lord refused but to stand by his testimony
٢٢. وفي جيده طوقٌ لنعماك لازِبٌ
أبى ربُّه إلا قيامَ شهودِهِ
23. You who refuses the dissolution of his pacts
Although he does not refuse the untying of his braids
٢٣. وأنت الذي يأبى انحلال عقوده
وإن كان لا يأبى انحلال حُقُودِهِ
24. So renew your blessings upon him with pardon and hopes fulfilled
For you have never ceased to favor a master through his aims
٢٤. فَجَدِّدْ له نعمى بعفوٍ ونائلٍ
فما زلتَ أعْنَى سَيِّدٍ بمسودِهِ
25. And glad tidings of beautiful heralding, it has not stopped
Heralding the dawn with the rising of its pillars
٢٥. وبشرى من البِشْرِ الجميل فلم يزل
يبشّر بالصبْح انبلاجُ عمودِهِ
26. I singled out and praised inclusively, I was not
Like a sleeping companion roused after slumber
٢٦. خَصصتُ وأَثنى بالعموم ولم أكن
كصاحب نومٍ هبَّ بعد هجودِهِ
27. Rather I began to shine and have not ceased
Combatting the causes of evil with its soldiers
٢٧. ولكنَّني بدَّأتُ أبلَجَ لم أزل
أقاتل أسباب الردى بجنودِهِ
28. You remained, O Banu Wahb, despite your enemy
And the intensity of his tribulation and prostration's length
٢٨. بقيتم بني وهبٍ برغم عدوكم
وشدة بلواه وطول سهودِهِ
29. The white of hands did not leave you
And the days of time have extended from you white and black
٢٩. ولا برحت بيضُ الأيادي عليكُمُ
ومنكمْ مدى بيض الزمان وسودِهِ
30. You were pushed to abundant empire, firm its pillars
So the openings of the kingdom doubled its pillars
٣٠. دُفِعْتُمْ إلى مُلكٍ كثيرٍ سدُودُه
فعادت فُتوح الملك ضِعْفَيْ سُدودِهِ
31. With a plot against you I have made its gloom depart
Supporting you is a plot against them in their gloom
٣١. بكيْدٍ لكم قد زايلته غُمُوده
يؤيِّدُهُ كيْدٌ لكم في غمودِهِ
32. You found the pasture greatly jet-black
So you exemplified amongst its sheep the blackest
٣٢. وألفيتُمُ المرْعى كثيراً أُسُودُهُ
فأَنصفتُمُ خِرْفانه من أسودِهِ
33. No matter you sought to set right but burdened you
Beyond it of worries grasp
٣٣. ولم يركم أمرٌ طلبتُمْ صلاحه
تَكأَّدَكم ما دونه من كَئُودِهِ
34. So turn from us every evil with its face
And make the aspect of good approach after its avoidance
٣٤. فأعرض عنّا كلُّ شرٍ بوجهه
وأقبل وجه الخير بعد صدودِهِ
35. Increase those who bow to you in its bowing
Increase those who prostrate to you in its prostration
٣٥. فزاد مُصَلِّينا بكم في رُكُوعه
زاد مصلينا بكم في سجودِهِ
36. May we never be devoid of your greeting and its healing
For it has cooled our entrails with its chill
٣٦. ألا لا عدمنا طِبَّكُمْ وشفاءه
فقد بردت أحشاؤنا بِبَرُودِهِ
37. Nor devoid of the custom you exemplify
An inkwell, the sea's springs before their springing
٣٧. ولا عدم العرفُ الذي تصنعونه
مِداداً نُفُودُ البحر قبل نفودِهِ
38. To you the hopeful saw the tightening of his bonds
And in you the protected saw the rest of his bonds
٣٨. إليكُمْ رأى الراجي مَشَدَّ قُتُودِهِ
وفيكم رأى الساري محطَّ قُتُودِهِ
39. He came to you without mediation so your duration accepted him
Slow fulfillments of what he hoped before its time
٣٩. أتاكم ولم يشفعْ فلقَّاه طَوْلُكُمْ
نسيئاتِ ما رَجَّاه قبل نُقُودِهِ
40. The imagining of souls had been constrained
But you released their imagining from their bonds
٤٠. وقد كان تأميلُ النفوس مُقَيَّداً
فأطلقتُمُ تأميلَها من قيودِهِ