1. The delight of meeting has its cheer,
So let patience sheathe it with good cheer,
١. طيُّ اللقاء له نشورُ
فليطوه الجلْد الصبورُ
2. That its converse may return once more,
Sweet as honey in the comb does pour.
٢. حتى يعود حديثُه
وكأنه عسلٌ مشور
3. Be not fooled by a seeming purity,
Where mirth and joy appear so free,
٣. لا تغترر بطهارةٍ
فيها البشاشة والسرور
4. For the heart is just as named does imply,
Prone to change and prone to die.
٤. فالقلبُ قلبٌ كاسمه
منهُ التقلب والفتور