
If one who prays is disappointed, or his prayers fade,

إذا خاب داع أو تناهى دعاؤه

1. If one who prays is disappointed, or his prayers fade,
I am one who prays, and God is the answerer,

١. إذا خاب داعٍ أو تناهَى دعاؤه
فإنّيَ داعٍ والإلهُ مجيبُ

2. You revived a man's soul through your kindness,
That is a prayer that can hardly go unanswered,

٢. دعاءَ امرىءٍ أحييتَ بالعُرْفِ نفسَه
وذاك دعاءٌ لا يكاد يَخيبُ

3. May God grant you generosity and glory forever,
For they are most beloved to you,

٣. أدامَ لك اللَّهُ المكارمَ والعلا
فإنهما شيءٌ إليك حبيبُ

4. And keep you for the eulogists who dedicate their praises
To you, atop their howdahs, and you reward them,

٤. وأبقاكَ للمُدَّاح يُهدون مدحَهم
إليك على عِلّاتهمْ وتُثيبُ

5. That grievance was unveiled from you and the beauties
Of a face whose freshness was peeled away were made plain,

٥. تكشَّف ذاك الشَكوُ عنك وصرَّحَتْ
محاسنُ وجهٍ بُردهُنَّ قشيبُ

6. As clouds that had gathered over the moon of a dark night
Parted, and the desired outcome was fruitful,

٦. كما انكشفت عن بدرِ ليلٍ غِمامةٌ
أظلَّت وولَّتْ والمَرادُ خصيبُ

7. It brought relief without causing devastation, and though it thundered,
No crops were struck dead, but those that were dry came alive,

٧. أغاثت ولم تَصْعق وإن هي أرعدت
فمات بها جَدْبٌ وعاش جديبُ

8. A complaint that drew memories of you from you
And brought forth clouds of favor that have lightning,

٨. شَكاةٌ أجدَّت منك ذكرى وأنشأت
سحائبَ معروفٍ لهنّ صبيبُ

9. Followed by a new innocence as if it were
Fresh, reddish youth whose gray hairs were shorn,

٩. وأعقبَها بُرءٌ جديدٌ كأنه
شبابٌ رَديد شُقَّ عنه مشيبُ

10. And by minting, a coin and ingot became refined,
And by polishing, the spearpoints of warriors gleamed,

١٠. وبالسَّبْكِ راقت نُقرةٌ وسبيكةٌ
وبالصقل راعَ المُنتضينَ قضيبُ

11. So in every house there is joy after sorrow,
And in every club there is a poet and an orator,

١١. ففي كل دارٍ فرحةٌ بعد ترحةٍ
وفي كل نادٍ شاعرٌ وخطيبُ

12. Who speak of the merit you deserve,
And all of them speak truly,

١٢. يقولون بالفضل الذي أنت أهلُهُ
وكلهُمُ فيما يقول مُصيبُ

13. Had a living person complained of a grievance, you would have concealed it,
But for each person there is a share in complaining,

١٣. ولو صِين حيٌّ عن شَكاةٍ لَكُنتَهُ
ولكن لكُلٍّ في الشَّكاة نصيبُ

14. And in patience for heart-searching complaints there is scope,
And in God and your immense custom there is a healer,

١٤. وفي الصبر للشَّكْوِ الممحِّص مَحملٌ
وفي اللَّه والعرفِ الجسيم طبيبُ

15. You are near to help every miserable person
Who calls on you - so God's help through you is near,

١٥. وأنت القريبُ الغوثِ من كل بائسٍ
دعاكَ فغوثُ اللَّهِ منك قريبُ

16. God refused to empty the position occupied
By a noble one who in both worlds has no equal,

١٦. أبى اللّهُ إخلاءَ المكان يَسُدّهُ
فتىً مَا لَهُ في العالمين ضَريبُ

17. May the intimacy of glory protect you from all loneliness
For you are a stranger in these people,

١٧. أعاذك أُنْسُ المجدِ من كلِّ وحشةٍ
فإنك في هذا الأنامِ غريبُ

18. And time has turned from all evil to you
And comes to you remorseful and penitent,

١٨. وتاب إليك الدهرُ من كل سَيِّئٍ
وجاءك يسترضيك وهو مُنيبُ

19. The enemies are still hostile in every situation,
And money has a day against you that is painful,

١٩. ولازال للأَعداء في كلِّ حالةٍ
وللمالِ يومٌ من يديك عصيبُ