
Many a youth whose face shame does not defile

رب غلام وجهه لا يفضحه

1. Many a youth whose face shame does not defile
In a venerable house which its precincts are not violated

١. رُبَّ غُلامٍ وجهُهُ لا يفْضَحُهْ
في بيت عزٍّ لا يُرامُ مُسْرَحُهْ

2. As if its birdlime is his feet illuminating him
I spend the night with him till it is complete and marry him

٢. كأنما مُمْسَاهُ قِدْماً مُصْبَحُهْ
بِتُّ به ليلَ التَّمام أنْكَحُهْ

3. I bless him for a while and for a while make him enjoy
And sometimes to my side I do not let him take comfort

٣. أُبْرِكُهُ طوْراً وطورا أبْطَحُهْ
وتارةً للجنْبِ لا أروِّحُهْ

4. And sometimes on his nape I let him lie
I heal him from his ailments and wound him

٤. وتارةً على القَفَا أسطِّحُهْ
آسُوهُ منْ أدوائه وأجْرَحُهْ

5. With a bag full, arming him
Corrupting, it considers correcting him

٥. بِفَيشَةٍ مَمْلُوءةٍ تسْتَسلحُهْ
مُفْسِدَةٍ تحسبها تَسْتَصْلِحُهْ