
If only the wise, when deprived

يا ليت أهل العقل إذ حرموا

1. If only the wise, when deprived
Were protected from desires and trials

١. يا ليتَ أهلَ العقلَ إذ حُرِمُوا
عُصِمُوا من الشهواتِ والفتنِ

2. But they were deprived and not protected
So their hearts are sick with sorrow

٢. لكنهُمْ حُرِموا وما عُصِمُوا
فقلوبُهُمْ مرضَى من الحَزَن

3. It's as if the wise, when created
Had their hearts destined for tribulations

٣. وكأنّ أهلَ العقل إذْ خُلِقُوا
وُقِفَتْ قلوبهمُ على المحنِ

4. And they feel their misfortune
More bitterly than others' injustice

٤. وهمُ أحسُّ على بَلِيَّتِهمْ
من غيرِهم بمضاضةِ الغبن