
Your generosity, which has always had

ركبتك الخير التي لم يزل

1. Your generosity, which has always had
A saddled and reined steed,

١. رِكْبتُك الخيرُ التي لم يزل
لها جوادٌ مسرج مُلجَمُ

2. Do not neglect it, for it is an argument
Among the arguments for praise, as you know.

٢. لا تلهُ عنها إنها حُجَّةٌ
من حُجج المَدْح كما تعلمُ

3. The masters of people have a lord
Who is ready for the pilgrimage, being employed.

٣. وأسودُ الناسِ لهم سيّدٌ
مُسْتَنْهَضٌ في الحاجِ مُستَخدَمُ

4. I am surprised that a man of status prevented
What does not profit nor incur loss.

٤. عجِبْتُ من منْع امرئٍ جاهَهُ
ما مَنْعُ من يُجْدي ولا يغْرمُ

5. Hoarding wealth by giving it away
Harms not, but hoarding status does no good.

٥. يثْلِم وفْرَ المال إعطاؤه
لكنَّ وفرَ الجاه لا يُثْلمُ

6. So whoever sees stinginess in his giving
For face-saving, imaginations can be imagined.

٦. فمنْ رأى في بَذْلِهِ بَذْلَةً
للوجه والأوهامُ قد تُوهَمُ

7. These are suspicions about him
Like you, he accepts the likes of them.

٧. فتلك من آرائه شُبهةٌ
مثلك من أمثالها يَسْلمُ

8. The generous person has nothing
Of his possessions forbidden except gifts.

٨. ليس لذي الجودِ سوى عِرْضِه
مِنْ ملكه دون الندى مَحرمُ

9. Everything he spends of his money
Or status, it is gain for him.

٩. وكل ما أنفقَ من مالِه
أو جاهِه فهْو لهُ مَغْنمُ

10. Hopes have almost collapsed from the prolonged
Disappointment received from you, so they crumble.

١٠. قد كادتِ الآمالُ من طول ما
تلْقاهُ من مَطْلك ما تُهْدَمُ