
Let the neglected government offices and their clerks rejoice,

ليهن الضياع وكتابها

1. Let the neglected government offices and their clerks rejoice,
And their workers and managers.

١. لِيَهْنِ الضِّياعَ وكُتَّابَها
وعُمّالَها ثم أربابَها

2. The rise of the Saud with its administration
On the morning you assumed responsibility for its affairs,

٢. طُلُوعُ السعودِ بديوانِها
غَداةَ تقلَّدتَ أسبابَها

3. And you returned it to proper guidance and improved its condition,
And opened its doors with good fortune,

٣. وَرَدْتَ على رَشَدٍ دارَها
وفتَّحتَ باليُمن أبوابَها

4. And revived its workers with strength,
And protected it therein with its robes.

٤. وأحييتَ بالعزِّ عمَّالَها
ودرَّعتَها فيه جِلبابَها

5. So it has flourished with your mention,
While others sought to destroy it.

٥. فأضحت بذكرك معمورةً
وقد رام غيرُك إخرابَها

6. Your sincere advisor hastened to save it through you,
So you firmed its loose ends with your wisdom,

٦. تداركها بك نُصحُ الوزير
فشدّ بحزمِك أطنابَها

7. And protected its funds with your justice,
And with it prevented its pillaging from you.

٧. وصان بعدلِك أموالَها
وكفَّ به منك إنهابَها

8. So you remained grateful for its blessings,
From the Lord of the Throne who provided it.

٨. فلا زلتَ في نِعَمٍ شاكراً
عليهنَّ ذا العرش وهَّابَها

9. Abu Al-Saqr, a soul redeems you,
Who called on you to relieve its troubles.

٩. أبا الصقرِ تفديك نفسُ امرِئٍ
دعتك لتفريج ما نابَها

10. And leaned on you with its covenants,
And you granted its request.

١٠. ومَتَّتْ إليك بذِمَّاتها
ومثلُكَ قدَّمَ إيجابَها

11. The tribulations of time have indeed
Sunk their claws and fangs into me.

١١. لقد أنشبتْ حادثاتُ الزمان
مخالبَها بي وأنيابَها

12. And my enemies have taken advantage of my long absence
To desolate my dwellings.

١٢. ونالت عُداتي بطول المُقام
على عطلتي فيَّ آرابَها

13. Your ancestors enabled you to take care of such matters,
When you assumed responsibility for its accounts.

١٣. وقد مكَّنتكَ من العارفاتِ
جُدودٌ توليتَ أحسابَها

14. So do not forget enemies now past,
When you donned its robes long ago.

١٤. فلا تنسيَنَّ عِداتٍ مضتْ
فقِدماً تلبَّستَ أثوابَها