1. Khalid Al Taei belongs to a man
Who has clarified many an obscure point of jurisprudence
١. للَّهِ خالد الطائيُّ من رجلٍ
كم شُبهةٍ من عَويص الفقهِ جلّاها
2. One day I saw his wife in his presence
With her legs raised above the roof of the house
٢. أبصرتُ زوجتَهُ يوماً بحضرَته
وقد علتْ دون سقفِ البيت رِجْلاها
3. So I said: Wouldn't it be better if you concealed yourself from him?
She replied: I fear the punishment of Allah, my Lord
٣. فقلتْ هلّا توارت عنك محسنةً
فقال تخشى عقابَ اللَّهِ مولاها
4. If she had concealed adultery from me, she would have sinned
Since she fears me and not Allah
٤. لو أنها كاتَمَتْني بالزنا أَثمتْ
إذ تتَّقيني بما لا تتَّقي اللهَ