
I asked you for a favor, so you strove for it

سألتك حاجة فسعيت فيها

1. I asked you for a favor, so you strove for it
With excuses, which resulted in apology

١. سألتك حاجة فسعيْت فيها
بتعذيرٍ نتيجتُهُ اعتذارُ

2. And you thought little of my grief
While in my heart burns regret's fire

٢. وهان عليك مُنقلَبي كئيباً
وللْحَسراتِ في الأحشاء نار

3. For the seeker of needs there is only
A generous one, serious and active

٣. وليس لصاحب الحاجاتِ إلا
كريمٌ فيه جدٌّ وانشمار

4. If those seeking sleep, he wakes
Restless, not resting for a moment

٤. إذا ما نام عنها سائلوها
تَنَبَّه لا يَقَرُّ له قرار

5. To him, the state is the same
Whether a need was missed or revenge was lost

٥. سواء عنده في كل حال
أفاتَتْ حاجة أم فات ثار

6. It's as if his brother is a part of him in it
So in loss he feels the stabbing pain

٦. كأن أخاه عُضْوٌ منه فيها
ففيه تحُزُّ بالفَوْت الشفار

7. And he blames himself for excusing them
With no choice over fate's decree

٧. ويلْحَى نفسَهُ أن يعذِروه
وليس له على القدر الخيار

8. For it, at dawn and within it
His heart quivers, fearing its loss

٨. له عند الغُدُوِّ لها وفيها
حِذَار الفَوْتِ قلب مستطار

9. He guards against failing to fulfill it
As if favors are accounted debts

٩. يحامي أن يفوت بها قضاءٌ
كأن المكرماتِ له ذِمار