
The buyer was likened to the full moon

قد قرن المشتري إلى البدر

1. The buyer was likened to the full moon
And the question coincided with the night of value

١. قد قُرن المشتري إلى البدرِ
ووافق السؤلُ ليلةَ القدرِ

2. A good child was joined to the best parent
And took the place of the heart in the chest

٢. ضُمَّ إلى خير والد ولدٌ
حل محلَّ الفؤاد في الصدر

3. A lady of her time gifted to the
Master a companion for the immersed lord

٣. سيدة في الزمان أهدت إلى ال
سيِّد أنساً لسيد غَمر

4. She entertained him with the best entertainment through him
Giving it to him for the rest of time

٤. أمتعَه أفضلَ المتاع به
مُعطِيه إياه آخرَ الدهر