
O my supporter when my supporter failed me

يا مددي حين خانني مددي

1. O my supporter when my supporter failed me
And my preparations when my preparations were frustrated

١. يا مَددي حين خانني مددي
وعُدَّتي إذ تعذَّرت عُددي

2. I beseeched you by God, the Preserver, and your kindness to me
That you support my shoulder when it weakens

٢. ناشدتك اللّه والحفاظَ وإحْ
سانك بي أن تَفُتَّ في عَضُدي

3. You are the drink with which I swallowed bitterness, my master and my pillar
And I did not fear that you would be a hardship for me, never

٣. أنت الشراب الذي أسَغْتُ به الْ
غُصَّةَ يا سيدي ويا سندي

4. So do not let slander prevent you from strengthening my purpose, my favor, and my hand
And persist in all that you have begun, confirming what you have tightened of my knots

٤. ولم أخف أن تكون لي شَرَقاً
كلّا ولا غُلَّة على كبدي

5. For I am between two plans which are the honor or disgrace of my lifetime
If you strengthen me I will be strengthened, and if you deliver me to the enemies my pillars will collapse

٥. فلا تصدَّنَّكَ الوِشاية عن
شدِّكَ أزْري ومُنَّتي ويَدي

6. How and from where would I have compensation when you are my back and you are my reliance
Give me - I have no right but my hatred of you, it suffices me, that is my sanity

٦. ودُمْ على كل ما ابتدأتَ به
مُؤكِّدا ما شدَدْتَ من عُقَدي

7. You whom love of you has taken the place of life in my body
And do not blame me for my anguish, for besides what is in me, it has come upon my skin

٧. فإنَّني بين خُطَّتيْن هما
عزِّيَ دهري أوْ ذِلّتي أبدي

8. If a lion had gotten me with his claw, he would not have gotten me what you see from my hidden agony
But he is a fox, I was deceived by him, so he got from me, and it was enough for him that I thought him a lion

٨. إن أنت أعززتني عَزَزْتُ وإنْ
أَسلمتني للعِدى وهَتْ عَمَدي

9. The envy of your supporting me has frustrated the envious one from the beginning, so do not let him gloat over my envy

٩. أنَّى ومِنْ أين منك لي عِوَضٌ
وأنت ظهري وأنت معتمدي

١٠. هَبْنيَ لا حقَّ لي سوى مِقَتي
إياك حسبي بذاك من رَشدي

١١. أنت الذي أصْبَحَتْ محبتُه
حلَّتْ محل الحياة من جسدي

١٢. ولا تلُومَنَّني على جَزَعي
فَدُون ما بي أتى على جلدي

١٣. لَوْ أَسَدٌ نالني بمخلَبه
ما نالني ما تراه من كمدي

١٤. لكنَّه ثعلبٌ أُسِرْتُ لَهُ
فنال منِّي وحسبهُ أَسَدي

١٥. قد كَبَتَ الحاسدَ انتصارُك لي
بدْءاً فلا تُشْمتنَّ ذا حسدي