
The sheep is not pained when it is slaughtered,

ما تجزع الشاة إذا شحطت

1. The sheep is not pained when it is slaughtered,
Nor from the skinning, nor from being disjointed,

١. ما تَجْزَعُ الشَّاةُ إذا شُحِطَتْ
من ألمِ الذَّبْح ولا السَّلْخِ

2. Nor from the boiling, nor the cooking.
But it is pained by a simple iron rod

٢. ولا من التَّفْصِيلِ مَنْكُوسَةً
ولا من الشَّيِّ ولا الطَّبْخ

3. That pierces through its guts.
It fears that your poetry will be inscribed

٣. لكنها تجزع من خَلَّةٍ
تَقْدَحُ في الأحْشَاءِ بالمرْخِ

4. On its skin, O horned and unkempt one!

٤. تُشْفِقُ أنْ يُكْتَبَ في جلدها
شِعْرُك يا ذا القَرْنِ والكَشْخِ