
The people were amazed at Abu Al-Saqr when

عجب الناس من أبي الصقر إذ وللي

1. The people were amazed at Abu Al-Saqr when
He was appointed head of the chancellery after having been a rent collector

١. عجبَ الناسُ من أبي الصقر إذ وُلْ
لِيَ بعد الإجارة الديوانا

2. And indeed, what is more amazing than that
He who was once worthless has now become honorable

٢. ولعمري ما ذاك أعجبُ من أنْ
كان عِلجاً فصار من شيبانا

3. Verily effort has an alchemy that when
It touches a dog, it transforms him into a human being

٣. إن للجدِّ كيمياءً إذا ما
مَسَّ كلباً أحالهُ إنسانا

4. God does whatever He wills whenever
He wills, no matter what exists or does not

٤. يفعل الله ما يشاء كما شا
ء متى شاء كائناً ما كانا