
They accused Khaled of being licentious,

زعم الناس خالدا بغاء

1. They accused Khaled of being licentious,
Their words were lies and pure slander.

١. زعم الناسُ خالداً بَغّاءَ
كَذَبوا القولَ وافْتَرَوْهُ افتراءَ

2. They just happened upon him touching a boy,
Who out of shyness drew away from his hand.

٢. إنما صادفوه يَلْمَس غُرمو
لاً فواراه في استِهِ استحياءَ

3. So they assumed the worst of him,
Though he is a sheikh who defies his foes.

٣. فلَحَوْه فيه فصار لجَاجاً
وهو شيخٌ يُراغِم الأعداءَ

4. Let them cease their disputes, else
They'll find themselves as his equals.

٤. فلْيكفُّوا عن الجِدال وإلا
فليكونوا له إذاً نُظراءَ