1. Love is the sweet basil of the lover, his comfort,
To which, if his gaze inclines, his yearning rushes headlong.
١. الحُبُّ ريحانُ المُحبِّ وراحه
وإليه إنٍ شحطتْ نَواهُ طِمَاحُهُ
2. The lover rises early for his beloved's sake, his heart
Sets out and returns towards the beloved.
٢. يغدو المحب لشأنه وفؤادُهُ
نحوَ الحبيب غُدُوُّهُ ورواحهُ
3. I have a discourse, my friend, about the youthfulness
That still plentifully flows within me.
٣. عندي حديثُ أخي الصبابة عن حَشَا
لي لا تزال كثيرةً أتراحُهُ
4. And where I see the bees, the limit of their hives,
And where the joys of passion spread their wings.
٤. وبحيث أرْيُ النحل حَدُّ حُماتها
وبحيث لذاتُ الهوى أبراحُهُ
5. I have become a slave to the fairest master;
Had his perfection been flawed, his charm would fade.
٥. أصبحتُ مملوكاً لأحسن مالك
لو كان كمَّل حُسْنَهُ إسجاحُهُ
6. His glance did not suffice me, though in it I found him;
Its urgency brought pain unto my eyelids.
٦. لم يَعْنه أرَقِي وفيه لقيتَهُ
حتى أضرَّ بمقلتي إلحاحُهُ
7. No, neither my tears nor their flowing down my cheeks
Ever harmed me, or caused my Lord to punish him.
٧. كلا ولا دمعي وفيه سفحته
حتَّى أضرَّ بوجنتي تَسْفَاحُهُ
8. Were it not that his abandonment makes me lean with sorrow
And takes away my joys, I would be healed.
٨. لا مَسَّه بعقوبة من رَبِّه
إقْلاقُهُ قلبي ولا إقراحُه
9. Oh, would that I knew! Does he sleep embracing me?
Is my hand free of my cloak and his mantle?
٩. لولا يُدَالُ من الحبيب مُحبُّهُ
فتُدال من أحزانِهِ أفراحُه
10. Does he smell my apple or my rose,
That gazelle whose rose is an apple?
١٠. يا ليت شعري هل يبيتُ مُعانِقِي
ويدايَ من دون الوشاح وشاحهُ
11. A wild goat cured, though her glances ail me,
Beauty lies where sickness and health reside.
١١. ويُشمُّني تُفَّاحهُ أو وَرْدَهُ
ذاك الجَنِيُّ ووردُه تفاحهُ
12. Our wounds multiply when her glances fall on us,
Just as wounds multiply in hearts because of him.
١٢. ظَبْيٌ أُصِحَّ وأُمرضتْ ألحاظُه
والحسن حيث مِراضه وصحاحُه
13. Who says of me, to him for whom I felt passion:
"Can the board be cleaned once it is dirtied?"
١٣. يغدو فتكثر باللحاظ جراحُنا
في وجنتيه وفي القلوب جراحُه
14. Are you just towards a wretched, complaining lover?
His laments and cries are his plea!
١٤. مَنْ قائلٌ عني لمن أحبَبْتُهُ
هل يُنقَعُ اللَّوح الذي ألتاحُه
15. By God! You blamed me and settled in a home
Whose sorrow is mine, though others live there.
١٥. هل أنت مُنْصِفُ عاشقٍ مُتَظَلِّم
طولُ النَّحيب شَكَاتُه وصِياحُه
16. Why are your lips my wine, while for others
I sacrifice myself? Yet they are at peace!
١٦. قَسَماً لقد خيَّمْتُ منك بِمنزلٍ
لي حَزْنُهُ ولمن سِوايَ بطاحُهُ
17. My soul tortured by him, while he enjoys
What is unlawful for me, though lawful for others!
١٧. ما بال ثغرِك مَشْرَباً لي سُكْرُهُ
ولمن سواي فدتك نفسي راحُهُ
18. You named me an ascetic of passion, though the youth
And his garb have become licentious and bold.
١٨. نفسي مُعَذَّبة بِهِ من دونِهِ
ويُبَاحُهُ دوني ولست أُباحُه
19. How often I refused advice regarding you, though none
Refuses fresh water when it is turbid!
١٩. مِن دونِ ما قد سُمْتَنِي نسكَ الهوى
وغدا الصِّبا ولَبُوسه أمساحُه
20. And I say to him who insists on blaming me,
Though my caution pleases him, and he importunes me:
٢٠. ولكم أَبَيْتُ النصح فيك ولم يكن
مِثلي يَعَاف العذبَ حين يُمَاحُه
21. And I say to him who censures me with ridicule
As if to extract the truth, though it is his right:
٢١. ولقد أَقول لِمن ألحَّ يلومني
وإخاله لِحياطتي إلحاحُه
22. "Oh you who makes her love seem ugly to me,
Show me, may God reform you, where is its ugliness?
٢٢. ولقد أَقول لِعاذِلِي مُتَنَمِّراً
كالمسْتَغِشِّ وحقُّه استِنصاحُه
23. In his intimacy, his guidance, or his stinginess?
You have missed the marks of his beauty and radiance!"
٢٣. يا من يُقَبِّحُ عند نفسي حبَّها
أرِنِي لحاك الله أين قُبَاحُه
24. Were it not for my pride in the beloved and his wit,
The pretentious would not dare to pretend!
٢٤. أصدوده أم دَلُّهُ أم بُخلُه
أخطأتَ تِلك مِلاحه وصِباحُه
25. Strong intimacy with the loved ones is forbidden
To lovers, though it would please them.
٢٥. لولا التعزُّز في الحبيب وملحه
ما حَلَّ للمستملِح استملاحُه
26. I have answered all your blame and silenced it,
Oh you who blame me! Let him erase it who can!
٢٦. وجَدا الأحبةِ طيِّبٌ محظورُهُ
عند المحب ولن يطيب مباحُه
27. I hope you advise me, though no lover's eye
Sees what his advisor sees.
٢٧. أكفأتُ لومَك كلَّه ومججتُهُ
يا لائمي فأَمِحْهُ من يمتاحُه
28. My tormentor would not have confused me so
Were it not for his foolishness and frivolity.
٢٨. وعساك تنصحني وليس لعاشِق
عين تريه ما يرى نُصَّاحُه
29. But he is like pleasant life whose honey
Is drunk, though his butcher is oppressive.
٢٩. ما كان أحْذَقَني بِصُرْمٍ معذِّبي
لولا مهَفْهَفُ خلقِهِ وَرَدَاحُه
30. What business have I with you? Can I attain my pleasure
While you bear the sin? No, let not its feathers and wings burden you!
٣٠. لكنه كالعيشِ سائِغُ شُهدِهِ
يُصبى إليه وإن أغصَّ ذُباحُه
31. Do not increase your blame, and cast
Far from you this foolishness, for I am its weaver!
٣١. ما لي ومالَكَ هل أفوزُ بِلَذَّتي
وعليك وزر قِرافِها وجُنَاحُهُ
32. The passionate are wronged in love;
Does passion flow to them? Are its streams theirs?
٣٢. كلا فلا تُكْثرْ مَلامك واطّرِح
عنك الهُذَاءَ فإنني طَرَّاحُهُ
33. How can one be as he wishes when his health
And sickness are in another's hands?
٣٣. وأما لقد ظُلِمَ المعذَّل في الهوى
أَإليه مصروفُ الهوى ومُتاحُهُ
34. I am stubborn in passion and its path,
While the chaste are merely bleating and barking!
٣٤. أنَّى يكون كما يشاء مُدَبَّرٌ
بِيَدَيْ سِواه سَقَامُهُ وصَحَاحُهُ
35. And to Ishmael's son are those who migrate from it
When the time bares its blades.
٣٥. مِنِّي اللَّجاجة في الهوى وسبيله
وَمِن العَذولِ هِريره وَنباحُهُ
36. O excellent brother! Your benevolence and character
Build generosity through your seriousness and your humor!
٣٦. وَإِلى ابن إسماعيل مِنهُ مُهاجري
ومِن الزمان إذا أُلِيحَ سلاحُهُ
37. I have questions for you about him, and I said:
"His ransom is, in our time, his open-handed and his stingy!"
٣٧. حَسَنٍ أخي الإحسان والخُلق الذي
يبني المكارمَ جِدُّهُ ومُزَاحُهُ
38. This is a man who gives you the essence of dew,
His foolishness like a camel freed of its outer garment!
٣٨. ومُسَائِلٍ لي عنه قلت فداؤه
في عصرِنا سُمحاؤه وشِحاحُهُ
39. Fair his greeting, like his name Bringer of Joy,
His laughter makes his companion laugh.
٣٩. ذاك امرؤ يلقاك منه فتى الندى
غِطرِيفه كَهْلُ الحجا جَحْجَاحُهُ
40. He comes and goes from the radiance of his affairs,
As if his very name is Radiance!
٤٠. حَسنُ المحيّا كاسمه بَسَّامه
ضَحَّاكه لجليسه وضّاحُهُ
41. His custom, regarding wealth, is to enrich it,
And his path, regarding glory, is to increase it.
٤١. يُمْسي ويُصْبِحُ من وَضاءة أمرِهِ
وكأنِّما إمساؤه إصباحُهُ
42. He is hoped for, and fulfills hopes,
No, he exceeds, his fulfillment inspires hope!
٤٢. عَادَاتُه في ماله اسْتِفْسَادُهُ
وسبيلُه في مجده استصلاحُهُ
43. And if a request is difficult regarding his money,
Through his influence and auspices, he accomplishes it!
٤٣. يُرْجَى فيُوفِي بالمُؤَمَّلِ عنده
لا بل يَفُتٌّ وفاءه إرجاحُهُ
44. Son of Ishmael is a refuge for one who flees
On foot, and a sanctuary for one who seeks refuge on a mount!
٤٤. ومتى تعذَّر مطلب في مالِهِ
فبجاهِهِ وبيُمنِهِ استنجاحُهُ
45. He protects his neighbor from harm, his strength apparent,
His bark loud to guests of his generosity!
٤٥. إن ابن إسماعيلَ مَفْزَعُ هارب
قِدماً وَمَفْدَى طالِبٍ وَمَراحُهُ
46. In his nature, firmness and peace,
The sword has a blade that gives joy when touched,
٤٦. دفَّاعُ جارِ حِفاظِهِ منَّاعُهُ
نَفَّاحُ ضيفِ سَمَاحِهِ منَّاحُهُ
47. But it has a limit, its striking is feared!
For his men he has two that follow in succession:
٤٧. في شِيْمَتَيْهٍ صرامة وسلامة
فهناك حَدَّا مُنْصُلٍ وصِفاحُه
48. For the devotee, impatience, and for the seeker, attainment!
In his shade the despairing heart is secure
٤٨. والسيفُ ذو متن يَلذُّ مِسَاسُه
لكنْ له حَدٌّ يُهَاب كفاحُه
49. And through his generosity the broken wing is mended!
For this one, his hospitality and position,
٤٩. لِرجاله منه اثنتانِ تتابعتْ
بهما له وتسايرت أمداحُه
50. For that one, the immediate supply and expenses!
To him the relative comes wearing his sandals,
٥٠. فَلِرَاهِب ألَّا يَرِيثَ أمانُهُ
ولراغب ألّا يريث نجاحُه
51. And the petitioner wiping his slippers!
How many a rider brought his mount, following
٥١. في ظله أمِنَ النَّخِيبُ فؤادُه
وبجوده انجبر الكسيرُ جَنَاحُهُ
52. Until, through its docility, the stretcher gained its rhythm!
Yet we avoid him and his abode,
٥٢. هذا له إكرامُه ومقامُه
ولذاك عاجلُ رفدِه وسراحُه
53. Preferring a house empty and spacious!
So he remains, shortening for the journey his long robe,
٥٣. فإليه ينتعل القريبُ حذاءَه
وإليه يمسح سَبْسَبَاً مُسَّاحُه
54. And spends the night grasping the mantle for sleep!
His journey folds the extended destination of the decided journey,
٥٤. كم سائقٍ ساقَ المطيَّ يؤمُّهُ
حتى اقتدى بذلولِهِ ممْراحُه
55. How excellent! Drawing near to them, the aspirer's goal!
And worthier of folding the distance is one who travels
٥٥. ولقد ترانا نَنْتَحِيهِ ودونَه
للعيس أغبرُ واسعٌ قِرْواحُه
56. As a merchant, profits awaiting him!
How often has the darkness of night folded his splendor
٥٦. فيظل يَقْصُرُ للمسير طويلُه
ويبيت يُقْبَض للسُّرَى رحراحُه
57. Like a new garment whose time of fading has not come!
Its lights guided their eyes to him,
٥٧. يطوي مدى السَّفر المُيَمَّم سَفْرُهُ
حَسَناً فيقرُبُ عندهم طَمَّاحُه
58. And its breezes guided their noses to his fragrances!
The dinner spread by its diffusion an aroma
٥٨. وأحقُّ مطويٍّ مداه لقاطع
سَفَرٌ تلوح لتاجرٍ أَرْباحُه
59. That filled the air, reaching out to their nostrils!
And the darkness shone with a lamp from its light,
٥٩. ولكم كَسَتْ ظلماءُ ليلٍ وفدَه
ثوباً جديداً لم يَحِن إمحاحُه
60. Revealing eyes beneath the veils.
Do not doubt it, Abu Ali is
٦٠. فهدتْ عيونهم له أضواؤه
وهدت أنوفَهمُ له أرواحُه
61. The gate of riches; asking him is its key!
A rain whose lightnings brought you glad tidings,
٦١. شملَ التنوفَةَ فائحٌ من نشره
قطعَ الفضاءَ إلى الأُنوف مَفَاحُه
62. And breezes from it passed as mercies!
Continuously, his blessings follow his generosity,
٦٢. وَجَلا الدُّجُنَّةَ لائحٌ من نوره
كشف الغطاء عن العيون مِلاحهُ
63. As rain pursues its lightning bursting forth!
I have become thanking him, though letting me down
٦٣. لا تُخْطِئنَّ أبا عليٍّ إنه
بابُ الغنى وسؤاله مفْتاحُه
64. Did not please me, nor did favoring others.
And I publicize my complaining of him, though his
٦٤. غيث أظلَّ فبشَّرتْك برُوقُه
وَمَرَتْ لك النفحاتِ منه رياحُه
65. Confining and depriving me did not worry me.
I have eclipsed praise, keeping silent,
٦٥. ما زال يتبعُ بشرَهُ معروفُه
والغيثُ يتبعُ بَرْقَهُ تَنْضَاحُهُ
66. As his beauty kept my praise hidden!
So by his height he appeared eclipsed,
٦٦. أصبحتُ أشكره وإن لم يُرضني
إسقاطُه شأوي ولا إرزاحُه
67. And by his garb his lights shone!
He has a resolve that pleases me,
٦٧. وأذيع شكواه وإن لم يُشكِنِي
إنزارُهُ صَفَدِي ولا إيتَاحُه
68. While forbidding it seems ugly to me!
I recited my panegyric to him, so he recited its length,
٦٨. ألقى الكسوفَ على المديح وسيْبُهُ
كاسي المديح جَمَالَه فضَّاحُه
69. The generous uneasy with his money rattling!
My heart yearns for the dew, desiring it,
٦٩. فبما اعتلاه بدا عليه كسوفُه
وبما كساه تَلألأتْ أوضاحُه
70. My nature delighted by the down, resting in it!
The Najd sent forth its winds, so its desires
٧٠. كائنْ لهُ حَزْمٌ إليَّ يروقني
حُسْناً ويَقْبُحُ عندي استقباحُه
71. Blew to me, after being difficult for me to attain!
A bewitching glance bearing away my effort,
٧١. أنشدْته مدحي فأنشد طَوْلَهُ
تَئِقُ السَّمَاح بمالِه نَفَّاحُه
72. A sea sinking my ships with its storm!
So it is as if its obtainer intended my disgrace
٧٢. صبُّ الفؤاد إلى الندى مُشْتَاقُه
طِرب الطِّباع إلى الثَّدَى مرتاحُه
73. From heights reached by the ladder he placed there!
And when open-handedness disgraces praise, it is ugly
٧٣. بعثَ الجَدا فجرت إليَّ رِغابه
من بعد ما عَسُرتْ عليَّ وِتَاحُه
74. To expect gratitude from his benevolence!
O family of Hammad, your command has lagged,
٧٤. طِرْفٌ يغولُ الجهدَ منِّيَ عفوُه
بحرٌ يُغَرِّقُ لُجَّتي ضَحْضَاحُه
75. Yet its sealing remains and its opening continues!
You truly represent all things virtuous,
٧٥. فكأَنَّ نائله أرادَ فَضِيحتي
مما اعتلى مَتْحِي هناك مِتَاحُه
76. While the virtuous others are merely their specters!
Knowledge is divided, so besides you
٧٦. وإذا الجدا فضح المديح فَمُقْبِحٌ
يُعْتَدُّ من إحسانه إقباحُه
77. Are its guesses, while its decisive conclusions are with you!
That which no issue's lock resisted
٧٧. يا آل حمَّاد تَقَاعَسَ أمركم
عن خَتْمِهِ وتجدَّد استفتاحُهُ
78. Except that those among you unlocked it!
And in Hammad ibn Zayd you have a refuge
٧٨. أنتم حقيقةُ كلِّ شيء فاضل
وذوو الفضائل غَيْرَكُمْ أَشباحُهُ
79. In knowledge, whose agreement comes with acceptance!
The false arguers do not deceive, and the whale
٧٩. والعلمُ مُقْتَسَمٌ فعندَ سواكُمُ
أقْيَاضُهُ ولديكُم أَمحاحُه
80. In the sea does not escape the swimmer!
With the discourse of Hammad and the lamp of Malik
٨٠. أصبحتُمُ بيتَ القضاء فنحوَكُمْ
تَهْوِي بطالِب فَيْصَلٍ أطْلاحُه
81. The burning urgency of the insistent is healed!
They do not distance themselves from the two holy sites, both
٨١. وبِعَدْلِكُمْ أضحى مَراداً واسعَ ال
بُنْيان فيه سُرُوحه وسَرَاحُه
82. Provide a healing whose cure flows!
And it is as if both of them drew
٨٢. أصحابُ مالكٍ الذي لم يَعْدُهُ
من كُلِّ علم محضُه وصُراحُه
83. From the tablet of Mohammed what they inscribed!
And the dissenter became, through you, with his sword
٨٣. ذاك الذي ما اشتد قفْلُ قضية
إلا ومن أصحابه فُتَّاحُه
84. Sheathed and his spears fixed in place!
You addressed him frankly, so he avoided
٨٤. ولكم بحمَّادِ بن زيد مَمْتَحٌ
في العِلم يصدرُ بالرضا مَتَّاحُه
85. With the hand of peace, though his foolishness cast shadows!
By God, the Caliph observed closely,
٨٥. لا يُخْدَع المتَعلِّلُون ولا يعُمْ
في البحر إلى الحوتُ أو سُبَّاحُه
86. And saw by the light of God where his rectitude lay!
And if by your efforts a man attains success,
٨٦. بحديث حمَّادٍ ومَقْبَسِ مالكٍ
يَشْفي الأُحَاحَ من استَحَرَّ أحَاحُه
87. He is suited to complete his success!
How can one sharing fail or succeed
٨٧. لا يَبْعُدا من حالبَيْن كلاهما
يمْرِي الشفاء فَتَسْتَدِرُّ لِقاحُه
88. When the arbiters are the separating judges?!
Scholars of Mohammed's religion, its jurists,
٨٨. وكأنما هذا وذاك كلاهما
من في محمّدٍ استَقَتْ ألواحُه
89. Reformers, resolute, sharp!
And God knows best where He places His judgment,
٨٩. ومُخَالِفٍ أضحى بكم مَغْمُودَةً
أسيافُه مَرْكُوزَةً أرماحُه
90. Even if the obstinacy of quarreling raises its clamor!
And were you pure in advising the Caliph,
٩٠. خاطبْتُمُوه بالجليَّةِ فاتَّقى
بيَدِ السَّلام وقد أظلَّ شِيَاحُه
91. Evil is that the sincere adviser quarrels!
So you provoked ibn Lith your provocation,
٩١. قسماً لقد نظر الخليفةُ نَظرَةً
فرأى بنور الله أين صلاحُه
92. Until by its light his lamp kindled in the darkness!
And by it his eyes saw where his loss lay,
٩٢. وإذا امرؤٌ وصل الفلاحَ بسعيكم
فهو الخليق لأن يَتمَّ فلاحُه
93. And by it his eyes saw where his profits lay!
When he was illuminated by your light in his matter,
٩٣. أنَّى يخيبُ ولا يفُوزُ مُسَاهِمٌ
والحاكمون الفاصلون قِداحُه
94. Amr's evening and morning shone!
Had it not been for your counsel, he would have collided
٩٤. علماءُ دين محمَّدٍ فقهاؤُه
صلحاؤه صُرحاؤه أقحاحُه
95. With a collision from which the collider does not recover!
Oh, would that I knew, when the like of you are praised,
٩٥. والله أعلم حيث يجعل حكمه
وإن امترى شَغِبُ المراء وقَاحُه
96. What can an encomiast add to them!
But you are like musk whose essence is pure,
٩٦. ولئن مَحَضْتُمْ للخليفة نصحكم
ولَشرُّ ما يَقري النَّصيحَ ضَياحُه
97. Increased when the paddles churn it!
You remain, from every wholesome life,
٩٧. فلقد قدحتم لابن ليث قَدْحَكُمْ
حتى توقَّد في الدجى مصباحُه
98. Eternally, not withering or narrowing!
By my father, your hands have wrought
٩٨. فرأت به عيناه أين خساره
ورأت به عيناه أين رَبَاحُه
99. A creation, improving my life though my hands despaired of improving it!
It laughed white and blameless, and its playfulness
٩٩. لمَّا استضاء بنوركم في أمره
عَمْروٌ أضاء مساؤه وصباحُه
100. Made my life laugh and brought me joy!
By God, I do not forget your hands' defense
١٠٠. لولا مشورتكم لَنَاطَحَ جَدَّه
جدٌّ يُبِيرُ مُنَاطِحِيه نِطاحُه
101. Of me against humiliation when it collapsed!
And if tribulation shades me, I call upon you,
١٠١. يا ليت شعري حين يُمْدَحُ مِثْلُكُمْ
ماذا تَراه يزيده مُدَّاحُه
102. And through you comes its departure and relief!
And a roaming praise poet who does not cease
١٠٢. لكنكم كالمسك طاب لعينه
ويزيد حين تخوضه جُدَّاحُه
103. To extol the hands that defended me!
I have said it regarding you, and I have not seen one say:
١٠٣. لا زلتُمُ من كل عيشٍ صالحٍ
أبداً بحيث دِماثُهُ وفِسَاحُه
104. "You reported the unseen, but its explication..."!
Gratitude is incumbent upon me, compelled by
١٠٤. بأبي يَدٌ لَكُمُ صَنَاعٌ أصلحت
دهري وقد أعيا يدي إصلاحُهُ
105. Its intimate knowledge of you!
Convention is dumbfounded when drastically altered,
١٠٥. بيضاءُ وَادَعَني بها وثَّابُه
عمري وضاحكني بها مِكْلاحُهُ
106. And that a poet join it adorns his expression!
Listen, O excellent pillar! And hear,
١٠٦. تالله لا أنسى دفاع أكُفِّكُم
عنِّي البوارَ وقد هوى مِرْضَاحُه
107. And catch up with your enemy, though his lamentations deafened!
Show him your virtues which never cease
١٠٧. وإذا أظلَّنيَ البلاءُ دعوتكم
فَبِكُمْ يكون زواله ورواحُه
108. To prolong his envy and morning hunger!
Take them as a gift from a poet thanking you,
١٠٨. وشريدِ مدحٍ لا يزال مبارياً
سَيّاحُ سَيْبِ أكفِّكم سيّاحُه
109. Whose vocal and eloquent praise spoke of your praise!
His hearing is ever inclined to the beloved in your words,
١٠٩. قد قُلْتُهُ فيكم ولم أر قائلاً
أنْبَأتَ عن غيبٍ فما إيضاحُه
110. And to your breeze his breathing always turns!
He brought you a maiden poem from his poetry,
١١٠. والشكر مَنْتُوجٌ عليَّ نَتَاجُه
وعليكُمُ بالعارفاتِ لِقَاحُه
111. A maiden whose like rarely lets go her mantle!
So endow his generous lady whom you married,
١١١. والعرفُ أعجمُ حين يُولَى مُفْحَماً
وبأن يُضَمَّنَ شَاعِراً إفصاحُه
112. That the marriage be beautiful for the bridegroom!
Do not refuse the bride-price from her dowry,
١١٢. أسْمَعْت يا حَسنَ المكارم فاستمعْ
واكبِتْ عدوَّك أُسْمِعَتْ أنواحُه
113. For it is surely licit for the noble to take it from the commoner!
Well-being and generosity came early upon you,
١١٣. أرِهِ مكارمَكَ اللواتي لم تزل
منها يطول ضُغاؤُهُ وضُباحُه
114. While ruin befell your enemy, destroying him!
١١٤. خُذْهَا هديةَ شاعرٍ لك شاكرٍ
نطقت بمدحك عُجْمُهُ وفِصَاحُه
١١٥. نحوَ المُعَشَّقِ من حديثك سَمْعُهُ
أبداً ونحو نسيمِكِ استِرْواحُه
١١٦. أهدى إليك عقيلةً من شعره
بكْراً يَقِلُّ بمثلها إسماحُه
١١٧. فَامْهَرْ كريمَتَه التي أُنْكِحْتَها
كَيْمَا يطيب لدى النِّكاحِ نِكاحُه
١١٨. لا تمنعنَّ مَهيرَةً من مهْرها
إن السَّرِيَّ من الفرِيِّ سِفَاحُهُ
١١٩. بَكَرَتْ عليك سلامةٌ وكرامةٌ
وعلى عدوِّك آفةٌ تجتاحُه