
A sword unsheathed from two scabbards and honed,

تجرد من غمدين سيف مهند

1. A sword unsheathed from two scabbards and honed,
A resolute one whose ancestors have passed, and he alone remains,

١. تجرَّدَ من غمدين سيفٌ مُهَنَّدُ
هُمامٌ مضت أسلافُهُ فهو أوْحَدُ

2. A meteor excelling the full moon and sun in giving light,
While they set he remains fixed upon the earth alone,

٢. شهابٌ أجاد البدرُ والشمسُ نَجْلَهُ
وغابا فأمسى وهو في الأرض مُفرَدُ

3. He took refuge in God and righteousness,
So he became supported, and continues to be supported,

٣. قد اعتَضَدَتْ بالله والحقِّ نفسُه
فأصبح مَعضوداً وما زال يُعْضَدُ

4. Let not the gloaters rejoice, for when bared,
The edge of the sword is tempered by removal from the sheath,

٤. فلا يفرحنَّ الشامتون فإنما
يُصمِّمُ حدّ السيف حين يجرَّدُ

5. Nor let the stumbling make him stumble, for he is
A sword that makes the faces of the unjust bleed, while it is sheathed,

٥. ولا يعْثُرَنَّ العاثرون فإنما
لهم جندَلٌ يُدمي الوجوهَ وجلمَدُ

6. One who forgave when others transgressed,
So no foot should err, nor hand miss its aim,

٦. مضى شافعاً من كان يخطىء مرة
فلا تُخْطئنْ رِجْلٌ ولا تُخطئنْ يَدُ

7. The embodiment of justice has come to you, no injustice with him,
No disposition to wrongdoers made smooth,

٧. أتاكمْ صريحُ العدل لا ظُلمَ عنده
ولا خُلُقٌ للظالمين مُمهَّدُ

8. I see you as the crown prince, protector of your subjects,
Repeller of your enemies, while wrongs remain sheathed,

٨. أراكمْ وليَّ العهد حامي حماكُمُ
ومُردي عداكم والمآثمُ شُهَّدُ

9. Abu al-Abbas has come to you, do not deny him,
Sometimes drawing near you, and sometimes unsheathed,

٩. أتاكمْ أبو العباس لا تنكرونَهُ
يُسَلَّلُ فيكم تارةً ويجرَّدُ

10. A generous one whom yesterday works toward,
Yearning turns to him while tomorrow awaits,

١٠. كريمٌ يظلّ الأمسُ يُعْملُ نحوه
تلفُّتَ ملْهوف ويشتاقُهُ الغَدُ

11. A time wishes to pass from him, that for him
Until the end of time, it remains eternal,

١١. يودُّ زمانٌ ينقضي عنْه أنه
عليه إلى أن ينْفَدَ الدهرُ سرمَدُ

12. He was humble when he attained that which nothing is above,
No ascent above that which he attained,

١٢. تواضَعَ إذ نال التي ليس فوقها
مَنالٌ وهل فوق التي نال مَصْعَدُ

13. Save rooms that have become the ambition of his soul,
For him in the vicinity of God, a dwelling place,

١٣. سوى غُرُفات أصبحتْ نُصبَ همَّةٍ
له في جوار الله منهن مَقعَدُ

14. And that, when a thousand arguments pass him
His authority every day is reaffirmed,

١٤. وذاك إذا مرّتْ له ألف حجَّةٍ
وسلطانُه في كل يوم يؤكَّدُ

15. The gates of the heavens will open with mercy,
And good will descend for him ever rising,

١٥. ستفتح أبوابُ السماء برحمة
وتنزل عن برٍّ له يتصعَّدُ

16. With justice or truth from our commanders,
The gates of heaven open and close,

١٦. وبالعدل أو بالحقِّ من أُمرائنا
تُفَتَّحُ أبوابُ السماء وتوصَدُ

17. To you, O Crown Prince, I dedicate words
Made firm, which none firm in purpose can dispel,

١٧. إليك وليَّ العهد أُهْدي مقالةً
مسدَّدةً لا يجتويها مُسَدَّدُ

18. Would that the good in this world be shown, and wrong suppressed,
And good be known, and corruption reformed,

١٨. وليتَ بني الدنيا فَنُكِّرَ مُنْكرٌ
وعُرِّفَ معروفٌ وأُصْلح مُفْسَدُ

19. As for you Abu al-Abbas if one contends,
And if one clings to ideals, you are most praiseworthy,

١٩. وأنت أبو العباس إنْ حاصَ حائصٌ
وإن لَزِمَ المُثلى فإنك أحمدُ

20. Warner of what is alluded to those of forbidden acts,
Giver of good tidings of what is named, you do not reject,

٢٠. نذيرٌ لما تُكْنَى به لذوي النُّهى
بشيرٌ لما تُسْمى به لا تُفنّدُ

21. You have a name we found epitomizing your virtues,
Even if a nickname follows it, it threatens,

٢١. لك اسمٌ وجدناه بخيرك واعدٌ
وإن قارَنَتْهُ كُنْيةٌ تتوعَّدُ

22. Threats to one who comes short of integrity,
And warning to one who transgresses and rebels,

٢٢. عِدات لمن يأتي السَّداد وراءها
وعيدٌ لمن يطغى ومن يتمرّدُ

23. So let the misguided fear, and the righteous not worry,
For your justice is unsheathed, and your tyranny sheathed,

٢٣. ألا فليخفْ غاوٍ ولا يخشى راشدٌ
فَعَدلُكَ مسلولٌ وجوْرُكَ مُغمَدُ

24. Live - and He whom you are named for, Muhammad -
With joy, until Muhammad grows old,

٢٤. وعِشْ والذي كَنَّيْتَهُ بمحمَّدٍ
ذوي غبطةٍ حتى يشيخ محمّدُ

25. And never depart from the One of bountiful hands upon you,
Hands that follow in succession, renewed in youth,

٢٥. ولا برحت من ذي الأيادي عليكُمُ
أيادٍ توالت في شبابٍ تُجدَّدُ

26. While you are immortalized by the nights, all of you,
With the eternity of the One who builds and folds, the Everlasting,

٢٦. ومن لا تخلِّده الليالي فكلُّكُمْ
بِخُلْدِ الذي يبني ويَثْني مُخَلَّدُ

27. And listen, Abu al-Abbas, to upright words
That have come from the guardian, your upright one,

٢٧. وسمعاً أبا العباس قولاً مُسدَّداً
أتى من وليّ مجتبيه مُسَدَّدُ

28. By my life, the rulers' adversary has performed the pilgrimage,
And how can wrong be enabled when the sword is sheathed!

٢٨. لعمري لقد حَجَّ الولاةَ خَصِيمُهُمْ
وأنَّى لسيفٍ أمكن الجورَ مُغْمَدُ

29. They resent nothing now, may their flowing tears not flow,
Since the approved, the praised Muhammad, upheld justice,

٢٩. فما يَنْقِمون الآن لا درَّ دَرُّهم
وقد قام بالعدل الرضيُّ المحمَّدُ

30. And in justice what pleased them, except they
Are crops of the Sword of God, inevitably harvested,

٣٠. وفي العدل ما أرضاهُمُ غير أنهم
حصائد سيف الله لا بدَّ تحصَدُ

31. Among them was the ungrateful Ibn Bulbul,
Can a righteous one guide a misguided one and make him prosper?

٣١. وقد كان منهنّ الكَفُور ابن بلبل
فهل راشدٌ يهديه غاوٍ فيسعدُ

32. An ungrateful one who refused anything but ingratitude for a blessing,
Whose testimony denying it belies him when he denies,

٣٢. كفورٌ أبى إلا جُحُوداً لنعمةٍ
تُكذِّبه شهّادُها حين يجحدُ

33. Upon him is the curse of God eternally,
And abundant misfortune whose drinking does not diminish,

٣٣. ألا فعليه لعنةُ الله دِيمةً
ووبْلاً كثيراً شِرْبه لا يُصرّدُ

34. And upon his followers the like of a curse,
With which a supplicant against him determined and insisted,

٣٤. ألا وعلى أشياعه مثل لَعْنَةٍ
رماهُ بها داعٍ عليه وأوْكَدُ

35. He wove it for ingratitude despite the sincerity of the intention,
Of a loyal friend and master repeatedly professing loyalty,

٣٥. حَبَاك بها عن شكر أصدق نِيَّةٍ
وَليٌّ وموْلى في الولاءِ مردّدُ

36. Who sees that destroying the ungrateful Ibn Bulbul
Is a life whose causes cannot be undermined,

٣٦. يرى أن إهلاك الكفور ابن بلبلٍ
حياة له أسبابُها لا تُنكَّدُ

37. And he asks for the authority that roused him with might
Generously, and your well-wisher supports you,

٣٧. ويُسألُ للعَظْم الذي كان هاضَه
جُبوراً بِرِفْدٍ والمرجِّيكَ يُرْفدُ