1. Al-Mubarrad wished that God would change
Every part of his body into a vagina
١. ودَّ المبردُ أنّ الله بدَّلهُ
من كلّ جارحةٍ في جسمهِ دُبُرا
2. So grant him, O God of mankind, his wish
And leave him no hearing or sight
٢. فأعطِهِ يا إله الناس مُنْيتهُ
ولا تُبقِّ له سمعاً وبصرا
3. So he may spend dark, gloomy days
With every penis you see on a head, uncirumcised
٣. لكي يُقضِّي أوطاراً مُذمَّمةً
من كل عَرْدٍ ترى في رأسه عُجرا
4. Rather, if he had double his body parts
Of shamelessness, he still wouldn't be sated
٤. بل لو يكون له ضِعفا جوارحِهِ
من الفِقاح لما قضّى بها وطرا
5. Alas, his sickness has no cure
Or else make his whole body an ulcer and boil
٥. هيهاتَ ثمّ غليلٌ لا شفاءَ لهُ
أو يُجْعَل الكلُّ منه فَقْحةً وحِرا