
How excellent is the pardon from the angel,

ما أحسن العفو من المالك

1. How excellent is the pardon from the angel,
Especially for one gone astray and ruined.

١. ما أحسن العفوَ من المالكِ
لا سيما عن هائمٍ هالكِ

2. O you who journeys from my passions,
On paths that have wearied the traveler.

٢. يا أيُّها السالكُ من مُهجتي
مسالكاً أعيتْ على السالكِ

3. You have blamed me unjustly for your separation,
Yet in your love I have not been unfair.

٣. محكْتَ في هجرِك لي ظالماً
ولسْتُ في حُبّك بالماحِك

4. O moon that was loyal to a cypress tree,
And cypress that was loyal to your pillar.

٤. يا قمراً أوْفى على سَرْوةٍ
وسرْوَةً أوفت على عانِك

5. Your slave is worn down by the sickness of passion,
So cure him from your destroying sickness.

٥. عبدُك منهوكٌ بسُقْمِ الهَوى
فداوِهِ من سُقْمِك الناهِك

6. How much he complained of you to the uncaring one,
And how much he wept for you to the laughing one.

٦. كم قد شكا منك إلى ذاهلٍ
وكم بكى منك إلى ضاحِكِ

7. Then after all of that he became
The most gentle slave to a master.

٧. ثم غدا من بعدِ ذا كلّه
أعْطَفَ مملوكٍ على مالِك

8. You denied a sincere teardrop of mine
For the words of a mendacious slanderer.

٨. كذَّبْتَ مني مَدْمعاً صادِقاً
لقولِ واشٍ كاذبٍ آفك

9. So you began to meet me in my humility
With the like of a stern sword's cutting edge.

٩. فصِرْتَ تلقاني على ذِلَّتي
بمثْلِ حَدّ الصارم الباتِك

10. O white silver cast pure,
Molded and refined by the hand of the forger.

١٠. يا فِضَّةً بيضاءَ مسْبُوكةً
جادتْ وصفَّتْها يدُ السابِك

11. In the morning by your unveiled coquetry,
And the night by your disappearing sorcery.

١١. بالصُّبْحِ من غُرَّتك المُجْتَلى
واللَّيْلُ من طُرَّتِك الحالِكِ

12. Do not after disgracing me leave me without mercy,
I ransom you from your attacker.

١٢. لا تَتْرُكَنّي رحمةً بعدما
هتكْتَني أفديك من هاتِكِ

13. It suffices that I have become, my master,
The talk of ascetic and murderer.

١٣. يكفيك أن أصبحتُ يا سيّدي
أُحْدُوثةَ الناسِكِ والفاتِكِ

14. The pleasure of the murderer does not exist in me,
Nor do I have the solace of the ascetic.

١٤. لا لذَّةُ الفاتِكِ مَوْجُودةٌ
عندي ولا لي سلوةُ الناسِكِ

15. You left me alone, so how many have said,
O desire of the abandoned for the abandoner!

١٥. تركتني فرْداً فكم قائلٍ
يا شَغَفَ المتروكِ بالتَّارك

16. I have come to love you while you are the one
Who has none but you to shed my blood.

١٦. أصبحْتُ أهواك وأنت الذي
ما لِدَمي غيرُك من سافِك