
On the day of Badr, he supported the religion victoriously

بيوم بدر أعز الدين ناصره

1. On the day of Badr, he supported the religion victoriously
And the son of Badr ennobled elegance and literature

١. بيومِ بدرٍ أعزَّ الدينَ ناصرُهُ
وبابنِ بدرٍ أعز الظَّرْفَ والأدبا

2. I aimed for Badr the son of Badr's clan but did not inherit it
His words belonged to me but his face belonged to his lineage

٢. يَمَّمْتُ بدرَ بني بدرٍ فما انتسبت
ألفاظهُ ليَ لكنْ وجهُهُ انتسبا

3. I met him while I was full of anger
At the times, so he relieved my anger

٣. لاقيتهُ وأنا المملوءُ من غضب
على الزمان فسرَّى عنِّيَ الغضبا

4. If you swore you would not be doubted then
That I met there the non-Arabs and the Arabs

٤. فلو حلفتَ لما كُذّبت حينئذٍ
أنِّي هناك لقيتُ العُجْمَ والعربا

5. He helped me, did good in helping, and followed me
With praise, and supported me with gratitude, and that is no wonder

٥. أجدى فأحسَنَ في الجدوى وأتبعني
حمداً وأردفني شكراً ولا عجبا

6. May God protect him and may God give him companionship
For by his nobility he became a stranger

٦. اللَّه يكلؤُهُ واللَّه يُؤنسهُ
فإنه بمعاليهِ قد اغتربا