
They said, "Have you pledged blood?"

قالوا أأرهنت دما

1. They said, "Have you pledged blood?"
I said, "I have pledged trust

١. قالوا أأرهنت دماً
فقلت أرهنتُ ثقَهْ

2. To the one I know
With mercy and compassion."

٢. عند الذي أعرفه
برحمة وشفقه

3. He who tells us that musk
Once sweated its scent,

٣. ذاك الذي يحكي لنا ال
مسكُ قديماً عرقه

4. And sees not but that the heights of God
Are reached only by His paths.

٤. ولا يرى الله العلا
تسلك إلا طرقه

5. He who from his water
Grew my rod and leaf,

٥. ذاك الذي من مائه
أنبت عودي ورقه

6. And from His praise of me
Gave from His purse, no theft.

٦. ومن أماديحي له
من كيسه لا سرقه