
If you meet a man with a long beard

إن أنت صادفت أخا لحية

1. If you meet a man with a long beard
That old age has whitened his chest,

١. إن أنتَ صادفت أخا لحيةٍ
قد جلّلتْ من كِبَرٍ صدرَهْ

2. Grasp his beard with your left hand,
And place a blade upon his throat.

٢. فاقبض بيُسراك على أصلها
وضع على حلقومه الشَّفرَه

3. If you fear God in killing him
And dread his awesome power,

٣. فإن خشيت اللّه في قتله
وخفت منه سطوة مرَّه

4. Leap upon his beard and pluck it out,
Tear his beard hair by hair.

٤. فثِب إلى عُثنونه ناتفاً
فأْتِ عليه شعرة شعرَه