
When the son of a good man appears

إذا ابن خيار بدا

1. When the son of a good man appears
Curse his existence

١. إذا ابن خِيار بدا
فحَيَّ على لَعْنِهِ

2. His servant adorns him
And gives him a son

٢. تَجَلَّلَهُ عبدُه
فأحبله بابنهِ

3. Who comes just like him
Matching him in his traits

٣. فجاء به مثلَه
يضاهيه في أفنه

4. And he has a son from this son
Even if he didn't wish for him

٤. وكائن من ابن له
وإن كان لم يُمنهِ

5. So you who saw a father
Whose sons are sons of his loins

٥. فيا من رأى والداً
بنوه بنو بَطْنهِ

6. He has a mounted guard
Roving around on his back

٦. له سائسٌ أيِّرٌ
يجولُ على مَتنه

7. Stabbing him in the back
With stabs that destroy him

٧. فيطعنُ في دُبرهِ
أَفانينَ من طَعْنه

8. With what's longer than his horn
And thicker than his skull

٨. بأطولَ من قرنهِ
وأغلظ من ذهنه