
If grace is renewed for a man,

إذا جددت نعمة لامرئ

1. If grace is renewed for a man,
Then completing it is renewed good health.

١. إذا جُددتْ نعمةُ لامرئٍ
فتكميلُها جدَّةُ العافيَهْ

2. And with gratitude its renewal was ordained,
Afterwards God's hand is healing.

٢. وبالشكر قُدِّر تجديدُها
وللَّه بعدُ يدٌ شافيه

3. And if it were purified it would be purer for it,
But the world of the youth is arid.

٣. ولو صُفِّيتْ كان أصفى لها
ولكنَّ دُنيا الفتى جافيه

4. And were it not for the turbid vileness,
Its value would not be ordained as pure.

٤. ولولا مُكدرةٌ رَنْقَةٌ
لما قُدِّرت قَدرَها صافيه

5. And a man must have affliction,
To test the temptations of his blessings.

٥. ولا بدَّ للمرءِ من محنةٍ
لفتنةِ نَعمائِه نافيه

6. And your fortunes have blown their winds,
Directed straight blowing without swerving.

٦. ودولتُكم قد جرتْ ريحُها
مُسدَّدَةَ الجري لا هافيه

7. And the winds must be
Raging in some of its gusts.

٧. ولا بدَّ للريح من أن تكو
ن في بعضِ هَبَّاتها سافيه

8. So patience and fresh health,
And safety to a hundred well-matched.

٨. فصبراً وعَافيةً غضّةً
وأمناً إلى مئةٍ وافيه

9. May those opposed to you protect you from harm,
Concealed opponents in the wilderness.

٩. فداكُم من السوء ضدٌّ لكم
مخازيه باديةٌ خافيه

10. And his state is not lofty,
But it is a drifting carcass.

١٠. وليست بعاليةٍ حالُه
ولكنها جِيفة طافيه

11. And were it not for disliking to bore you,
I would have continued to the last rhyme.

١١. ولولا كراهةُ إملالِكم
خطبتُ إلى آخرِ القافيه