1. My two friends, you have saddened me with sorrow
You would have done me a favor had I been saddened
١. خليليّ قد علَّلتمانيَ بالأسى
فأنعمتُما لو أنني أتعلَّلُ
2. People have my effects, otherwise there would be no sorrow
And your life is nothing but straying misguidance
٢. أللناسُ آثاري وإلا فما الأُسى
وعيشِكما إلا ضلالٌ مضلّلُ
3. The comfort of the wretched is not in the misery of others
Does he carry some of what he bears?
٣. وما راحةُ المرزوءِ في زرءِ غيره
أيحمل عنه بعضَ ما يتحمَّلُ
4. No, the two bearers of the miserable saddlebag are burdened
And the one with the heavy load on his back has no helper with a heavy load
٤. كلا حامِلَيْ أوْقِ الرزيئةِ مُثقلٌ
وليس مُعيناً مثقلَ الظهر مُثقلُ
5. And it is a kind of obscure injustice in its place
You console yourself with the wretch when you contemplate
٥. وضربٌ من الظلم الخفيّ مكانُهُ
تَعزّيك بالمرزوءِ حين تأمَّلُ
6. Because despair has made you its friend, which is its talk
Without crime, if only your tyranny would be just
٦. لأنك يأسُوكَ الذي هو كَلمُهُ
بلا جُرمٍ لو أن جورَكَ يعدلُ