1. I have a friend, if he sees
My reputation tarnished, or witnesses
١. لي صديقٌ إذا تُنوول عِرضي
أو رأى يوم نَوْبتي ذَبّ عني
2. A day of my misfortune, he abandons me;
Yet should he behold one singing my praises,
٢. فإذا ما رأى مُشِيداً بذكري
أو رأى يوم غبطتي حطَّ مني
3. Or should he see a day of my good fortune, he belittles me.
He benefits me not in days of want, nor hope;
٣. نفعه في شَذا يدي لا رجائي
فهو لي كالطبيب لا كالمغني
4. He is to me like a physician, not a minstrel.
He is of no use to me in days of well-being;
٤. ليس يُجدي عليَّ في يوم سِلْمي
وهو في الحرب مُنْصلي ومِجَنِّي
5. Yet in battle he is my defender and protector.
I cannot be done with him, between these two extremes;
٥. لست أنفك بين ضدَّين منه
واعتدادي به شديدٌ وضني
6. My attachment to him is strong and affectionate.
My soul knows well that every friend
٦. عِلْم نفسي بأنَّ كل خليلٍ
لم يُصَوَّرْ كصورة المتمني
7. Is not the ideal friend one dreams of.
I question my soul that is concerned for me, not the one concerned;
٧. سُؤلُ نفسي المُعَنَّى بي لا المُعَنِّي
ويعز المعنَّى بي لا المعنِّي
8. And the meaning that honors me, not the one conveying the meaning.
Those who resent have gone, sparing you,
٨. ذهب الواضعون ثِقل التجنّي
عنك والحاملون ثِقْل التجني