1. There is no benefit in the lives of slaves of God
Except that Abbas is a talisman for me
١. ما في حياة عبيد الله منفعةٌ
عندي سوى أنه تعويذُ عباس
2. That ward off the envious eyes of those envious of him
And all sorcery, obsession and sneakiness
٢. يرد عنه عيون الحاسدين له
وكل سحرٍ ووسواس وخنَّاس
3. Upon him a face that turns away the evil eye disappointed
And the eye splits the skin of the tough stalwart
٣. عليه وجهٌ يرد العينَ خاسئةً
والعين تفلق متن الجندل القاسي
4. What a difference between Abbas and his companion
In virtue and kindness with God and people
٤. شتان ما بين عباسٍ وصاحبه
في الفضل والخير عند اللَّه والناس
5. So may God ransom him from the cup of death through him
For his face is the most noble of faces with the cup
٥. فالله يفديه من كأس المنون به
فوجهه آثَرُ الوجهين بالكاس