
I see the free man running with his freedom enduring

أرى الحر يجري بره ويدوم

1. I see the free man running with his freedom enduring
While the wretched man runs with his wretchedness rising

١. أرى الحُرَّ يجري برُّه ويدومُ
وذو اللُّؤمِ يُجرى برُّه ويقومُ

2. And you, O Father of Al-Abbas, are a full moon
Adorned around it are the stars in the midst of the sky

٢. وأنت أبَا العباس بدرٌ مكمّلٌ
تحفُّ به وسطَ السماءِ نجومُ

3. You have hunted the prey from the family of Murthad
None like them have I known, O tribes

٣. وسَطتَ القرومَ الصّيدَ من آل مرثدٍ
وما مثلهم فيما عَلمتُ قُرومُ

4. Oh how I wish I knew why my status has declined
With you, though my needs for you are worries

٤. فيا ليت شعري ما الذي حَطَّ رتبتي
لديكَ فحاجاتي إليك هُمومُ

5. Did I swallow the whale of the earth or the whale of Jonah
Goodness belongs to you or did I swallow the whale of the sky, O Rome

٥. أألحوتُ حوتُ الأرضِ أم حوتُ يونسٍ
لك الخيرُ أم حوتُ السماءِ أرومُ

6. O you fish between the two fishes, most mighty
How long, O God, do you see us abstaining from you

٦. أَيا سمكاً بين السّماكين عزَّةً
إلى كم يرانا اللَّهُ منك نَصومُ

7. I saw you with thorns and thorns that harm
So leaving you is glory and seeking you is blame

٧. رأيتُكَ ذا شوكٍ وشوك من الأذى
فتركُكَ مجدٌ والتماسُك لومُ

8. If you were not but for sacrificing our faces
You would be too expensive for us to afford

٨. إذا لم تكن إلا ببذلِ وجُوهِنا
فأنت علينا بالغلاءِ تقومُ