1. O Hameed, though fate did not bestow on you riches
Except to make you solely reliant on subtle wisdoms
١. يا حامدَ الله إذ لم يَكسُهُ نِعَماً
إلا لأوحدَ وقَّاع على النُّكَتِ
2. I congratulate you that no hand has favored you
Beside the Most High's, and that you were not surrendered to tribulation
٢. يَهْنَئْكَ أنك لم تُنْعِم عليك يَدٌ
دُونٌ وأنكَ لم تُسْلَمْ إلى العَنَتِ
3. And that your gratitude is observed with a knowing
Other than what was diminished or twisted for you
٣. وأنَّ شكرك مرصودٌ بعارفةٍ
أخرى ستأتيك لم تُبخَس ولم تُلَتِ
4. And how can one diminish he who became devoted and has
None but the noble face of righteousness to turn to
٤. وكيْفَ يُبخس من أضحى وليس لَه
إلّا إلى وجهِ بِرٍّ وجهُ مُلْتَفَتِ
5. I mean the Most High who in no era
Faltered from reaching the epitome nor was deficient
٥. أعني العلاء الذي لم يجرِ في أمدٍ
إلَّا وفات إلى القصوى ولم يُفَتِ
6. A young man purified from lewdness
Bent on cultivating the most virtuous traits
٦. فَتىً كليلٌ عن الفحشاء مُنْصَلتٌ
على ابتناء المعالي كلّ مُنْصَلَتِ
7. How many slips by the most pious were saved
After he said I am not one to slip
٧. كم مُفلِتٍ بالعلاءِ الخيرِ من عطبٍ
من بعد ما قَالَ إنِّي غير مُنْفَلتِ
8. And fate bit with its fangs instead of gently
In ways that bring death and with its lips not softly
٨. وكلَّحَ الدهرُ من نابيْهِ عنْ عَصَلٍ
فيه المنايا ومن شِدْقيْهِ عن هَرَتِ
9. So may God reward him in this world and the next
With a remembrance that when all else is forgotten will not perish
٩. فالله يجزيه في دنيا وآخرةٍ
ذِكراً إذا ما أُميت الذكر لم يَمُتِ
10. O you who doubt, when his virtues are listed
Suffices you what the Best of Protectors has already established
١٠. يا من يشكُّ إذا عُدَّتْ مَنَاقِبُهُ
يكفيك ما قدَّمَتْ كفَّاه من ثبتِ