1. A man whose face is like a doe's udder
God forbid! Or like the magic of one rising at dawn,
١. رجل وجهه كضرع المردِّ
حاش للَّه أو كسَحْر المُغِدِّ
2. A master debater when a hair is disputed,
A poet in the heat of intense debate,
٢. جَدَليٌّ إذا تُنُوزعَ شِعْرٌ
شاعِرٌ حضرةَ الجدال الألَدِّ
3. Seeking refuge from mentioning this with that,
He has no retort for one who asks,
٣. مستجير من ذكر هذا بهذا
ما لديه لسائلٍ من مَرَدِّ
4. And far is the Glorious One from any despised,
And high above any rival or equal,
٤. وبغيض سبحانَه من بغيضٍ
وتعالى عن كل مِثْلٍ ونِدِّ
5. God charged His land with its heavy two,
And raised over it a third of Him, a fosterer.
٥. حَمَّلَ اللَّهُ أرضه ثَقَلَيْها
وعلاها بثالثٍ منه إدِّ