1. My brother's vigil is right for him, afflicted is he with forgetfulness,
And he is not diverted from the estrangement of his loved ones by play,
١. سهادُ أخي البلوى حقيقٌ به السَّهْوُ
ولم يُلْهه عن هَجْر أحبابه لهوُ
2. He spent the night sleepless, his eyes unvisited by slumber,
Enduring sorrows while seclusion has settled into rest,
٢. وباتَ ولمّا يطعَمِ الغُمْضَ طرفُه
يكابد أحزاناً وقد هجعَ الخلْوُ
3. How can the soft-hearted be seen possessing composure,
If forgiveness from his beloved does not come to him,
٣. وأنّى يُرَى ذو اللُّب مالكَ صبوةٍ
إذا لم ينلْهُ مِنْ أحبته العفوُ
4. My reproachers have denied me the beauty of consolation by their closeness,
How long will I remain in the sickness of my condition, deprived of health,
٤. أسالبتي حُسنَ العَزاءِ بصدِّها
أما آن لي من طولِ ذي السَّقَمِ البروُ
5. If what you claimed I transgressed against is true,
Neither has my body decreased from its pains, nor
٥. فإن كان حقّاً ما زعمتِ اجترمتُه
فلا قلَّ من أوجاعه بدني النِّضوُ
6. Have my eyes delighted in a glance from you,
Nor has the anguish of your abandonment left my heart,
٦. ولا استمتعتْ عيناي منك بنظرةٍ
ولا محَّ من قلبي لهجرِكُمُ شَجْوُ
7. How can I wish my soul to forget about you, to console it,
When I have none but you in love to match me,
٧. وكيف أُمنّي النفسَ عنكِ تسليّاً
وما ليَ إلا أنتُمُ في الهوى كفْوُ
8. I am deprived of union with you and your favor,
And living close to you is no longer sweet for me,
٨. حُرمتُ إذن منك الوصال ونعمة
ولا عادَ لي عيشٌ بقربكُمُ حُلْوُ
9. I've been abandoned by visitors, pairs, and groups,
My sobriety has been hidden from me by intoxication's departure.
٩. وفَارقني زيرٌ ومثنىً ومَثْلثٌ
وبَمٌّ وسرَّى عنيَ السَّكَرَ الصحْوُ