
I have turned the bellies of poetry before its appearance

قلبت بطون الشعر قبل ظهورِه

1. I have turned the bellies of poetry before its appearance
So I have not seen a saying that you have not preceded with the deed

١. قلبتُ بطونَ الشعر قبلَ ظهورِهِ
فلم أرَ قولا لم تقدّمْهُ بالفعلِ

2. And the people have not admired any eulogy from me about you
Because I taught them about you from ignorance

٢. وما استطرفَ الأقوامُ لي فيك مِدحةً
لأني بما علَّمتهم بك من جهلِ

3. I make them know about you what they already know
And their ancestors before my poetry and before me

٣. أعرِّفُهم منك الذي يعرفونه
وأسلافُهم من قبلِ شعري ومن قبلي

4. So the listeners ignore it while I
Have the praised doctrine and the eloquent logic

٤. فيُعرضُ عنه السامعونَ وإنني
لذو المذهب المحمود والمنطق الجزلِ