
The vengeance of the oppressed is more satisfying to the oppressor than his oppression of the oppressed.

لانتقام المظلوم أربى على الظالم

1. The vengeance of the oppressed is more satisfying to the oppressor than his oppression of the oppressed.
If the oppressor contemplates, he is like a shepherd in a miserable, ruinous pasture.

١. لَانْتقامُ المظلومِ أرْبى على الظَّا
لمِ من ظُلمه على المظلومِ

2. His affair becomes clear and he knows he has traded the night of dignity for the night of safety.
So he blames himself when alone, in passion and in painful torment.

٢. صاحبُ الظلم إن تأمَّلتَ كالرَّا
تِع في المرتعِ الوبيل الوخيمِ

3. His life and vigor were commanded by the comforts of regret and remorse.
If his adversary kept away from him and ignored him, his own self would suffice as an adversary against him.

٣. يُجتلَى أمرُهُ فيعلم أنْ قد
باع ليلَ الكرى بليل السليمِ

4. And the brother of vengeance is a gentle, splendid man, who takes pleasure in every fleeting vengeance.
He did not find himself except in pain, and did not turn away with an unblemished cheek.

٤. فهو من لوم نفسهِ حين يخلو
في غرام وفي عذاب أليمِ

٥. قد أُمِرَّتْ حياتُه وشجته
بُرَحاءُ النَّدام والتنديمِ

٦. لو تجافى الخصيمُ عنه وأغضى
لكفاهُ بنفسه من خصيمِ

٧. وأخو الانتقام ناعمُ بالٍ
يتشفَّى بكلِّ ثأرٍ مُنيمِ

٨. لم يجدْ نفسه ألامتْ فيلحا
ها ولم ينصرف بخدٍّ لطيمِ