1. My lofty spirit refuses oppression
And strives for the heights and growth
١. يأبى ليَ الضَّيْم فرْعيَ السامي
إلى المعالي وأصْليَ النامي
2. When a friend honors me
Then takes back the honor
٢. إني إذا ما الصديقُ أكرمني
ثُمَّ غدا يستردُّ إكرامي
3. I find pleasure in resisting him
Until he is weary of forcing me
٣. جعلتُ من لذِّتي مُراغمتي
إيِّاه حتى يملَّ إرغامي
4. I only shun him forever
Shut my door and ignore him
٤. وليس إلا بهجره أبداً
والضنِّ عن بابه وإلمامي
5. Raise myself above begging him
By humbling and praising myself before him
٥. ورفع نفسي عن استماحته
ببذلِ وجهي له وإعظامي
6. And deny him the pleasure of reproach
Dealing with him justly in all my affairs
٦. ومنعِهِ لذَّةَ التَّعتُّبِ بال
عدلِ عليه في كل أحكامي
7. He will not see me complain of him
By gnashing my teeth and biting my thumb
٧. ولا يراني هناك أندبُهُ
بقرْعِ سنِّي وعضِّ إبْهامي
8. I would not have done the favor, had I known
It would later humble me before the blamer
٨. وكنتُ لا أصنع الصنيع أرى
في عقبه ذِلَّتي للوَّامي
9. I dismiss from my mind the pact
After becoming preoccupied and infatuated with him
٩. أُخرجُ من خاطري معاهدَهُ
بعد اشتغالي به وإغرامي
10. Until I see him in recollection as nothing but
A dream from some of my dreams
١٠. حتى أراه لدى التذكر وال
تذكيرِ حلماً مِنْ بعضِ أحلامي
11. It is not dreamlike for me to accept
Injustice and causes of darkness for my oppressor
١١. وما من الحلمِ أن أُقِرَّ على ال
ظُلْم وأسبابِه لظلّامي
12. The dream led me to wriggle out
When the portion was the worst of portions
١٢. أوصلني الحلمُ بالتشحط للْ
قسْمِ إذا كان شرّ أقسامي
13. How can I overlook evil and baseness
While my horse is restless and the Romans encircle me
١٣. وكَيْفَ أُغضي على الدَّنِيَّةِ والْ
فُرسُ خؤولي والرومُ أعمامي
14. I was crowned by the loyalty of Abu al-Abbas
With a crown elevated by the most high
١٤. وقد تَتَوَّجْتُ من ولاء أبي ال
عباس تاجاً يسْمُو به السَّامي
15. Oh killer of God, the gang who made
My lifetime's sins my own
١٥. يا قاتل الله عصبة جَعَلتْ
إجرامَ دهري إليَّ إجرامي
16. Who was miserly with me in granting his bounty
I was miserly with him by giving my days
١٦. من ضنَّ عنِّي ببذلِ نائلهِ
ضنَنتُ عنه ببذلِ أيامي
17. By God, the three will not coincide
His friendship, enrichment, and killing me
١٧. تالله لا تلتقي الثلاثة وَصْ
ليه وإثراؤه وإعدامي
18. I was to God an idolator and idol
My idolatry passed and my Islam became sound
١٨. قد كنتُ بالله مُشركاً وثناً
فزال شركي وصحَّ إسلامي
19. I seek God's forgiveness for worshipping them
It was among my gravest sins
١٩. أستغفرُ الله من عبادتِهم
فإنها منْ عظيم آثامي
20. Prolonged was my prayer for them, and its provision
My fast from their wealth and consecration
٢٠. طالتْ صلاتي لهم ورافدَها
صَوْمي من مالهم وإحرامي
21. I seek God's forgiveness - how often a man
I exalted when he was below my exaltation
٢١. أستغفِرُ الله كم وكم رجُل
أعْظَمْته وهو دون إعظامي
22. Then I realized he had an intention
Not of those who seek the lover
٢٢. ثم تبيَّنْتُ أنه غرضٌ
ليسَ من اللائي يقْصِدُ الرامي
23. Of one whose palm was frozen when asked
And betrayer of the rope during my reliance
٢٣. من جامد الكف حين تسأله
وخائن الحبلِ عندَ إعصامي
24. And laughing at me, though nothing
Amused him but my flowing tears
٢٤. وضاحكٍ بي وليس يُضْحِكهُ
شيءٌ سوى أنَّ ظِلْفِيَ الدَّامي
25. Laughing at all I cried for
As if my pain was his pleasure
٢٥. يضْحَكُ من كل ما بكيتُ لهُ
كأن لذَّاته بآلامي
26. If we disputed in a gathering, it would be clear
His argument is not like my argument
٢٦. لو احتَجَجْنا في مَحْفلٍ لدرَى
أنْ ليسَ إلزامُهُ كإلزامي
27. By God, the insides of a brother are not sound
Who God makes sound during my illness
٢٧. واللَّهِ لا صحَّ باطني لأخٍ
يُصحُّهُ الله عندَ إسقامي
28. My friend is not pleased that I
Leave his money and refrain
٢٨. وما خليلي الخليلُ يُعجبُهُ
تَرْكيَ أموالَهُ وإجمامي
29. I do not see myself succeeding, discarded
Nor do I see myself failing, hopeful
٢٩. وما أُراني يفوزُ مُطَّرحي
وما أُراني يخيبُ مُعتامي