1. O you who rains blessings from on high, Ala'a son of Sa'id
And who thanks with good intention and praise
١. ألا أيها المُطري العلاءَ بن صاعدٍ
وشاكِرهُ في نيّةٍ وثَناءِ
2. You have thanked a man whose goodness increases through gratitude
And who refuses any growth except through loyalty
٢. شكرتَ امرأً ينْمِي على الشكر عُرْفُهُ
ويأبى على الكفران غيرَ نماءِ
3. A young man who attained the heights of elders and surpassed them
Through his own youthful vigor and excellence
٣. فتى نال غايات الكهولِ وجازها
على جِدّةٍ من سِنِّه وفَتاءِ
4. As the full moon outshone the stars on the fourteenth night
And they lost their brilliance
٤. كما بهر البَدرُ النجومَ لأربعٍ
وعشر فأمستْ غيرَ ذاتِ ضياءِ
5. It is enough for Abu Isa Ala'a that he
Is considered the foremost of the wise
٥. وحَسْبُ أبي عيسى العلاءِ بأنه
يُعَدُّ بديئاً سيّدَ الحكماءِ
6. And that his father's goodness is of long duration
He is considered the foremost of the viziers
٦. وأن أباه الخيرَ طال بقاؤه
يعد بديئاً سيّدَ الوزراءِ
7. And that the prince who seeks refuge in them
Is considered the foremost of the princes
٧. وأن الأمير المُستنيم إليهما
يعد بديئاً سيّدَ الأمراءِ
8. And that the truthful orator about them
Is considered the foremost of the orators
٨. وأن الخطيب الصادقَ القَولِ فيهما
يعد بديئاً سيّدَ الخطباء
9. An orator whom spear and sword could not bend
While his fathers faced the best of trials
٩. خطيبٌ عَصاه الرمحُ والسيفُ لم يزل
وآباؤُه يُبْلُون خيرَ بلاءِ
10. Treasures of wealth for the needy, and if called
To the fire, they were treasures of song
١٠. كنوزُ غِنىً للمُقْتِرين وإنْ دُعوا
لنائرةٍ كانوا كنوزَ غَناء
11. These are signs aligned for the son of Sa'id
Tokens of the rising and enduring fame of Sa'id
١١. وهذي أمورٌ وُفِّقتْ لابن صاعد
أماراتُ جَدٍّ صاعدٍ وبقاءِ
12. And he remains praised in truth, glorified
On the tongues of nobles and chieftains
١٢. وما زال ممدوحاً بحقٍّ معظَّماً
على ألسن الأشرافِ والعظماءِ
13. And the praise of a noble man does not diminish him
Nor does any equal Ala'a in nobility
١٣. وما يَضع المرءَ الشرِيفَ امتداحُهُ
علاءً ولا يُحذيه غيرُ علاءِ
14. And can the acknowledgment of his rival beneath the sky
Demean the towering mountain?
١٤. وهل يضعُ الطودَ المُنيفَ اعترافُه
لناصبِه بالعدلِ تحتَ سماءِ