
The pleasures of a fleeting life have departed,

مطايب عيش زايلته مخابثه

1. The pleasures of a fleeting life have departed,
And the favors of ascending fortune have released their knots.

١. مطايبُ عيشٍ زايلَتْهُ مخابِثُهْ
ومُقْبِلُ حظٍّ أطلقْته رَوائِثُهْ

2. The state of generosity, prosperity, and happiness
Is as if the sorrows of fate have rained their tears in it.

٢. ودولةُ إفضالٍ ويُمنٍ وغبطةٍ
كأن حُزونَ الدهر فيها دمائِثُهْ

3. A rain has shaded the land, east and west,
So its drifting clouds are green with sprouting plants.

٣. وغيثٌ أظلّ الأرضَ شرقاً ومغرباً
فقيعانُهُ خُضرُ النبات أَثائثُهْ

4. A gazelle with magical eyes and melody for it,
Who awakens your passion when it plays.

٤. فظبيٌ له سِحرانِ طَرفٌ ونَغمةٌ
يُجدُّ بك الإغرامَ حين تعابثُهْ

5. It harmonizes strings articulating delightful sounds,
Lingering as it modulates and thrums them.

٥. يُناغمُ أوتاراً فِصاحاً يروقُنا
تأَنِّيه في تصريفها وحثَاحِثُهْ

6. And it glances with love-inspiring gazes, as if
They wink at one who desires it and flirt.

٦. ويلحظ ألحاظاً مِراضاً كأنها
تُغانجُ من يرنو لها وتُخانثُهْ

7. So it makes you cry with the magic in its eyes,
And affects you with the spell which it emits.

٧. فَيسْبيكَ بالسحر الذي في جُفونِهِ
ويُصيبك بالسِّحر الذي هو نافثُهْ

8. The heart yearns for it though it is its sickness,
And its mention is intimate though it is its separater.

٨. يَحِنٌّ إليه القلبُ وهو سَقامُهُ
ويألفُ ذكِراه الحشا وهو فارثُهْ

9. It starves the doe’s fawn of its pasture,
And satiates the young hyena of its game.

٩. يُجيعُ وِشاحَ الدرّ منهُ مَجالُهُ
ويُشبع مِرطَ الخَزِّ منه مَلاوِثُهْ

10. Good fortune and all luck have risen for us,
While the land is verdant and its discussions grow clear.

١٠. وقد طلعتْ باليُمن والسعد كلِّه
لنا والثرى ريَّان تندى مباحِثُهْ

11. Three festivals - one for Fitr, another for the Urf,
And a third for Lahw - are celebrated

١١. ثلاثةُ أعيادٍ فللفطر واحدٌ
وللعُرف ثانيه وللَّهو ثالثُهْ

12. By a fragrant branch of glory,
Which yields it when the branch sheds its thorns.

١٢. يُعَيِّدُها فرعٌ من المجد طيِّبٌ
جَناهُ إذا ما الفرعُ جَمَّت خبائثُهْ

13. Come, serve me on Fitr a refreshing drink,
That the panting of fasting may quench its thirst!

١٣. ألا فاسقني في الفِطْر كأساً رَويَّةً
لعلَّ لُهاثَ الصوم يُنقَعُ لاهِثُهْ

14. Sparkling, while the lute sings to it,
Chanting odes for us and repeating their themes,

١٤. مُشعْشَعةً يُضحي لها العُودُ ناطقاً
تَنَاغَى مَثانيهِ لنا ومَثالثُهْ

15. Along with the son of a minister whose abode
The Prophet would approve and his inheritor.

١٥. مع ابن وزيرٍ لم يزل ومحلُّهُ
من الفضلِ يرضاهُ النبيُّ ووارِثُهْ

16. I would not be lying nor deceiving,
Before God, if I said: the Prophet and his messenger

١٦. وما كنتُ مكذوباً وما كنتُ كاذباً
لدى الله لو قلتُ النبيُّ وباعثُهْ

17. From the righteous reformers, through his prosperity,
Life has become praiseworthy and its disgraces are erased.

١٧. من الصالحين المُصلحينَ بيُمنهِ
غدا العيشُ محموداً ولُمَّتْ مشاعِثُهْ

18. If he does not act immorally out of his chastity,
Then the sin which corrupts is not known.

١٨. إذا لم يَعِثْ في مالهِ لعُفاتهِ
فما يُعرفُ العَيْثُ الذي هو عائِثُهْ

19. He undertook to humble fate, so its
Obstacles for us have relented and its knotted ropes untied.

١٩. تَضمَّنَ تذليلَ الزمان فأصبحتْ
أواعِرُهُ ذَلَّت لنا وأواعِثُهْ

20. He is supported by a son like him in his riches;
If the misfortunes of a wicked age multiply.

٢٠. وأُيِّدَ بابنٍ مثلهِ في غَنائه
إذا كَثُرت من رَيب دهرٍ كوارثُهْ

21. I boast, named for Al-Husayn, comprising
His virtues. Will his saviors be absent?

٢١. أَغرُّ يكنَّى بالحُسين تضمَّنت
محاسنهُ ألا تُغِبَّ مغاوِثُهْ

22. When servant of God Ubayd Allah is matched by Qasim,
The ancient glory is matched by its modern counterpart.

٢٢. إذا ما عُبيدُ اللَّه ضاهاهُ قاسمٌ
فثَمَّ قديمُ المجد ضاهاه حادِثُهْ

23. Bless the crop which he plants,
Of righteousness and plowing which he harvests!

٢٣. ألا بُورك الزرعُ الذي هو زارعٌ
من البِرِّ والحرثِ الذي هو حارثُهْ

24. By the one who swears, none has seen the like of Qasim
On the back of effort, which you have harvested.

٢٤. ويا حالفاً أنْ ما رأى مثلَ قاسمٍ
على ظهريَ الحِنثُ الذي أنت حانثُهْ

25. You were dutiful, fulfilling the manifest covenant of God,
Even if the discord of one who betrays and breaks covenants is abundant.

٢٥. بَرِرتَ وعهدِ اللَّه بِرّاً مُبيَّناً
وإن كثُرت من ذي شِقاقٍ هَنابثُهْ

26. The wrongful one refused to see the truth he usurps
From his brother, or the covenant which he violates.

٢٦. أبى أن يُرى الحقُّ الذي هو باخسٌ
أخاهُ أو العهدُ الذي هو ناكثُهْ

27. Forbearing, Wise. If his time ignores him,
Generous, noble, even if its disasters plague him.

٢٧. حليمُ عليم إن تجاهلَ دهرُهُ
جوادٌ كريمٌ إن ألحت مغَارِثُهْ

28. He is shaded while managing the kingdoms is his work,
And bestowing overflowing gifts is his hobby.

٢٨. يظلُّ وتدبيرُ الممالِك جِدُّهُ
وبذل العطايا المُنفِساتِ معَابثُهْ

29. A young man who spends wealth in the path of loftiness,
That glorious age-old glory may inherit him.

٢٩. فتى يقتلُ الأموال في سُبل العلا
لتُورثَهُ المجدَ السنِيَّ مَوارثُهْ

30. An urgent need, beneficial immediately, manifold his benefit
To his loyalists, postponing harm which awaits him.

٣٠. ضرورٌ نفوعٌ عاجلُ النفع ثَرُّهُ
على مُعتفيه آجلُ الضَّرِّ رائثُهْ

31. His generosity prevented all reproach and stinginess.
The fragrance of speech, until he perfected speech and depleted it.

٣١. نهى جودُهُ عن كل سمحٍ وباخلٍ
شَذى القولِ حتى أحسنَ القولَ رافثُهْ

32. You see his companions, one asking and he dignifies him,
Or another consulting him and engaging him in discourse.

٣٢. ترى صاحبَيْه ذا سؤالٍ يَميحُهُ
فواضلهُ أو ذا سؤالٍ يُباحِثُهْ

33. He does not hoard surplus wealth from one who never visits him,
Nor scattered pearls from one who never speaks to him.

٣٣. وما يجتني الميسورَ من لا يزورُهُ
ولا اللؤلؤَ المنثور من لا يُحادثُهْ

34. Either he marched ahead vigorously on a plan,
With neither frustration nor doubt awaiting him.

٣٤. وإما أغذَّ السيرَ في إثر خُطَّةٍ
فلا العَجزُ ثانيه ولا الشكُّ رائثُهْ

35. If his plot and enemies meet,
The result is a barren wasteland and desolate ruins.

٣٥. إذا ما تلاقى كيدُهُ وعداتُه
فثَمَّ تلاقى أجدلٌ وأباغثُهْ

36. Or if he resolved prudence for adversity once,
Neither fatigue exhausts him, nor does adversity harm him.

٣٦. وإمّا أراغَ الحزمَ للخطب مرّةً
فلا الحزمُ معييهِ ولا الخطبُ كارثُهْ

37. I live in his shadow when I meet the radiance of his face,
And my night is a day, settled with its permanent shade.

٣٧. أظلُّ إذا لاقيتُ غُرَّةَ وجههِ
ولَيلي نهارٌ ساكنُ الظلِّ ماكِثُهْ

38. So the day in the shadow of joy is shortened for him
And age which lasts is not shortened.

٣٨. ليقْصُرْ عليه اليوم في ظلّ غِبطةٍ
ولا يَقْصُرِ العمرُ الذي هو لابثُهْ

39. The palace cage remains his most enduring abode
In it and in an era which suits him and does not trouble him.

٣٩. ولا زال قَصرُ القُفْصِ أعمرَ مَنزلٍ
به وبدهرٍ صالح لا يُماغثُهْ

40. His merit and praise are pretentious claims,
Rather they are pure musk and its fragrance.

٤٠. فما فضلُهُ والمدحُ دعوى ومُدَّعٍ
ولكنْ هما مِسكٌ ذكيٌّ ومَائِثُهْ