1. O one-eyed man, why did you deface me?
Why did you force me to disturb my mother's grave?
١. أيُّها الأعورُ لِمْ جشَّمْتَني
أن أشُقَّ الرمسَ عن والدتِكْ
2. How wretchedly you changed her in her coffin
To that which you hoped for from your returning.
٢. بئسما بدَّلتَها في لحدِها
بالذي رجَّتْهُ من عائدتِكْ
3. If you found my poetry unjust,
Then may God cast you into solitude.
٣. إن تكن ثبَّجتَ شعري ظالماً
فرماكَ اللَّهُ في واحدتِك
4. Into a darkness that hands themselves over to,
For eternity, to your leadership.
٤. بظلامٍ تُسلم الكفَّ له
أبدَ الدهرِ إلى قائدتك
5. We have cast what you have cooled down with,
With the intense melting heat of your rigidity.
٥. قد رمينا ما تبرّدْتَ به
بلظى ذوَّبٍ من جامدتك
6. A spark burst forth from my embers,
And lit my dormant fire in your frigidity.
٦. بدرت بادرةٌ من شرري
ألهبتْ ناري في خامِدَتك
7. After the souls of all people took shelter,
From the cold they met from your downpour.
٧. بعدما أتْرزَ أرواح الورى
برْدُ ما لاقوهُ من واردتك
8. So they sought refuge for you from my sparks,
And sought refuge in me from your iciness.
٨. فاستعاذوا لك من بادرتي
واستعاذوا بيَ من باردَتِك