
O son of hope, and his virtuous son, may hope

أيا ابن رجاء وابنه الخير لا يزل

1. O son of hope, and his virtuous son, may hope
Never cease being a lean meal that fattens because of you both

١. أيا ابنَ رجاءٍ وابنَهُ الخيرَ لا يزلْ
رجاءٌ نحيفٌ يَغْتَدي بكَ بادنا

2. I have given you my affection to stay in its place
Rivaling praise that has never stopped blaming you

٢. مَنَحْتُكَ من وُدِّي مُقيماً مكانَهُ
يُبارِي ثَناءً لم يزلْ فيكَ ظاعنا

3. I count you among the seven planets
As the eighth, though the truth refuses my counting you

٣. أَعُدُّكَ في الزُّهْر التي هي سبعةٌ
بديئاً ويأبَى الحقُّ عَدِّيكَ ثامنا

4. And though among them is the Buyer, its luck,
And the sun of morning, and the full moon of our days

٤. وإنْ كان فيها المشتري وهو سعدُها
وشمسُ الضُّحى والبدرُ غُرَّاً أَيامِنا

5. Truthfulness towards you is a must, and truthfulness is a duty
For every sincere friend who examines the essence

٥. ولا بدَّ مِن صِدْقيكَ والصِّدقُ واجبٌ
لكل صديقٍ يَسْتصِحُّ البطائنا

6. Your poetry has a glaring fault, except
That if counted as ornament, it has never ceased adorning you

٦. بشعرِكَ عَيْبٌ فاحشٌ غيرَ أَنَّهُ
إذا عُدَّ زَيْن لم يزل لك زائنا

7. The glory of fathers, if compared
To your poetry, has absolved those virtues

٧. أُبوَّة آباء إذا قِيسَ مجدُهُمْ
بشعرِكَ عفَّى منه تلك المحاسنا

8. And if it is poetry conforming to conscience
Lawful and gentle towards its matching peer

٨. وإن كان شعراً للضمير ملائماً
حلالاً ولطفاً للنظيرِ مُبائنا

9. Its meanings were refined, and its words made grand,
So it deserted the scattered hearts, a reciter

٩. أُدِقَّتْ معانيهِ وفُخِّمَ لفظُه
فغادر أشتاتَ القلوبِ قرائنا

10. Became unsung after being sung, and carried away
The secrets of rhetoric, chanting,

١٠. غدا غيرَ ملحون غُدوَّ مُلَحَّنٍ
وراح بأسرارِ البلاغة لاحنا

11. Alluring a restless man to be calmed,
And making a calm man weep from its movement

١١. فألهَى امْرَأً تسكينُهُ متحركاً
وأبكى امرَأً تحريكهُ منه ساكنا

12. You have filled it, not wastefully showing its face,
And filled it with God’s grace, guarded

١٢. فَمُلِّئْتَهُ لا باذلاً حُرَّ وَجههِ
ومُلِّئتُما فَضلاً من الله صائنا